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Displaying posts with tag: Software Libre (reset)
Warptlalk: Testing MySQL cluster with ANSTE

This month we’ll deliver this season’s last warptalk.

Koke and me will repeat our talk from MySQL Users Conference.

  • Title: Testing MySQL cluster with ANSTE
  • Time: 18:00 CEST
  • Place:
  • Updated News: Twitter

Our talks are recorded and uploaded to Vimeo and presentations are available on …

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MySQL Conference 2009: I’m speaking

This wenesday I’ll be at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 as speaker :):

koke and me will show how ANSTE can be used to test the MySQL Cluster.

ANSTE is a testing tool for complex scenarios. It allows to run tests loading some virtual machines, configuring it’s network interfaces and runing some scripts on them.

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