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Displaying posts with tag: usergroups (reset)
MySQL streams at upcoming Oracle User Group Conferences in the UK and Germany

November is going to be a busy month for MySQL, conference-wise. There will be two fairly big events, organized by the independent Oracle User Groups in Germany (DOAG) and the UK (UKOUG).

On November 16th-18th, the DOAG Conference & Exhibition 2010 will take place in Nuremberg, Germany. This conference, which has been around for more than 20 years usually attracts a rather large audience -- more than 2000 visitors participated in the 2009 event and were able to listen to more than 300 individual sessions. For the first time, there will be a dedicated stream of presentations related to MySQL, which will be delivered by both Oracle employees as well as members of the MySQL community. You can …

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MySQL User Groups: Facebook is not mandatory

Several people commented on our last blog post or contacted us via our Twitter account, asking questions and raising concerns about migrating the MySQL user group organization to FaceBook. It seems like there is some confusion that we would like to address: you are not required to move to FaceBook. This was just a recommendation, you are of course free to choose whatever service you prefer to manage your MySQL user group. In fact, you are of course welcome to continue using for this! However, be advised that you will have to take care of any occurring fees by yourself from now on, as the sponsorship agreement between MySQL and was not renewed.

And if Facebook is not your cup of tea, there are other services that provide similar functionality. We've tried …

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