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Displaying posts with tag: Tungsten replicator (reset)
MySQL Conference and Expo 2013 feelings (#perconalive)

I wasn’t at the MySQL Conference this year but it was very nice to follow this event from Paris.
Of course I didn’t feel the general atmosphere by visiting booths or met fabulous people.
But it was a great opportunity to offer you a live post about the conference with an external point of view.

Twitter, RSS feeds (yes Google, I still use RSS), Planet MySQL and infiltrators were my best friends during this crazy week.

I would like to summarize the major announcements and events occurs during this tenth edition.

Oracle at Percona Live!

Yes, Oracle was at Percona Live 2013 and it was for the best.
I invite you to watch this keynote from …

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Tungsten University: Replicate Between MySQL And Oracle

  Oracle is the most powerful DBMS in the world. However, Oracle's expensive and complex replication makes it difficult to build highly available applications or move data in real-time to data warehouses and popular databases like MySQL.

In this webinar you will learn how Continuent Tungsten solves problems with Oracle replication at a fraction of the cost of other solutions and with less

Biggest MySQL related news in the last 24 hours

For me, the biggest news in the last 24 hours so far has been:

  1. SkySQL merges with Monty Program, developers of MariaDB. This of course affects me directly and leads to a change in affiliation in a few months.
  2. TokuDB goes opensource. I think this is really big news. Beyond just the fact that it can now be a storage engine in the main MariaDB tree, I love the work they’re doing to extend it to be an engine for MongoDB as well.
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[Plus] readers choice 2012 : It’s time to vote!

Oh yes, 2012 was an incredible year for the MySQL Community!
That’s why I would like to change the rules this year and I would like to offer you a new survey for this [Plus] reader’s choice 2012.

Community users, bloggers and events made the whole community last year, tell us how you used this community?
It will only take 5 minutes of your precious time, votes will be closed Jan. 31.

Vote for what you used! (with your heart, again…)

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

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Building simple & complex replication clusters with Tungsten Replicator by Giuseppe Maxia

Giuseppe Maxia of Continuent.

MySQL replication is single threaded. Multi-master replication is complex with MySQL. Circular replication works but is very fragile. Once you’ve achieved the feat, how do you avoid conflicts? The lack of global transaction ID today also means you may have slaves that may not be synchronized fully. Finally, some people like to replicate to PostgreSQL, Oracle and MongoDB.

This is where Tungsten Replicator comes into place. Opensource. 100% GPLv2. You can do easy failover (no need to synchronize the slaves manually when a master dies), have multiple masters, multiple sources to a single slave, conflict prevention, parallel replication, and replicate to Oracle/PostgreSQL database (heterogeneous replication – …

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Vote for MySQL[plus] awards 2011 !

First of all, I wish you a happy new year.
Many things happened last year, it was really exciting to be involved in the MySQL ecosystem.
I hope this enthusiasm will be increased this year, up to you !

To start the year, I propose the MySQL[plus] Awards 2011
It will only take 5 minutes to fill out these polls.
Answer with your heart first and then with your experience with some of these tools or services.

Polls will be closed January 31, so, vote now !
For “other” answers, please,  let me a comment with details.

Don’t hesitate to submit proposal for tools or services in the comments.
And, please, share these polls !


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, …

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