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Displaying posts with tag: Daniel Nichter (reset)
Easy query metrics with MySQL Performance Schema

The MySQL Performance Schema exposes so much data that it’s not trivial to learn, configure, and use. With recently released Percona Agent 1.0.11 you can get query metrics – like min, max, and average query execution time – with a few clicks:

Click “Apply” and about two minutes later you’ll have query metrics from Performance Schema, collected and sent every minute.

Percona Cloud Tools (PCT) and Percona Agent handle all the details. You’ll need MySQL (or Percona Server) 5.6 and Percona Agent 1.0.11 or newer. One caveat at the moment: it …

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Faster fingerprints and Go packages for MySQL

I’m happy to announce Go packages for MySQL. Particularly exciting is a new query fingerprint function which is very fast and efficient, but I’ll talk about that later. First, go-mysql is currently three simple Go packages for parsing and aggregating MySQL slow logs. If you’ve been following Percona development, you’ve no doubt heard of Percona Cloud Tools (PCT), a somewhat new performance management web service for MySQL.

One tool in PCT is “Query Analytics” which continuously analyzes query metrics from the slow log. The slow log provides the most metrics and therefore the most performance insight into MySQL. percona-agent, the open-source agent for PCT, uses …

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The top 9 Percona Toolkit tools that can make your job easier: May 7 Webinar

Tools for MySQL are a vital part of any deployment, so it’s important to use ones that are reliable and well-designed. Percona Toolkit is a collection of more than 30 command-line tools for MySQL, Percona Server, and MariaDB that can help database administrators automate a variety of database and system tasks. With so many available tools, however, it can be difficult knowing where to start.

For this reason I invite you to join me on Wednesday, May 7 at 10 a.m. Pacific time for a free webinar titled, “The top 9 Percona Toolkit tools that can make your job easier.” You can register directly …

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Percona Live 2014 behind; MySQL ahead

I started using MySQL 11 years ago.  That’s not too long compared to other people in the industry, but nonetheless here’s my perspective on the state of the MySQL industry after attending Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2104.

In short, the attitude around MySQL has changed from “Does it work?” to “Is it fast and reliable?” to “How do we manage it?” To further generalize, these periods correspond roughly to the original MySQL AB team, Percona and Oracle, and the last period is the current period so key players are emerging, like WebScaleSQL.

Does it work?

Peter Zaitsev said in one of his keynote talks that MySQL used to be considered a toy.  Today that …

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Your troubles are over, pt-heartbeat 2.1

Poor pt-heartbeat 2.1: it was perfectly fine through Percona Toolkit 2.1.7, but it’s had a rough life since. Its troubles are finally over as of Percona Toolkit 2.1.10. At a conference recently, a user joked to me that “Percona Toolkit is awesome, but you really broke pt-heartbeat.” It’s true, and if you haven’t heard or experienced the story, here it is for the record.

Since the dawn of time, pt-heartbeat had computed slave lag like:

t1=time (Perl) --> replicate --> t2=time (Perl); lag = t2 - t1

Surprisingly, that worked for many years despite what should have been an obvious problem: different time zones: t1 could be in PST …

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MySQL 5.5 lock_wait_timeout: patience is a virtue, and a locked server

MySQL 5.5 lock_wait_timeout: patience is a virtue, and a locked server

Like Ovais said in Implications of Metadata Locking Changes in MySQL 5.5, the hot topic these days is MySQL 5.6, but there was an important metadata locking change in MySQL 5.5.  As I began to dig into the Percona Toolkit bug he reported concerning this change apropos pt-online-schema-change, I discovered something about lock_wait_timeout …

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[Plus] readers choice 2012 : It’s time to vote!

Oh yes, 2012 was an incredible year for the MySQL Community!
That’s why I would like to change the rules this year and I would like to offer you a new survey for this [Plus] reader’s choice 2012.

Community users, bloggers and events made the whole community last year, tell us how you used this community?
It will only take 5 minutes of your precious time, votes will be closed Jan. 31.

Vote for what you used! (with your heart, again…)

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

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mk-query-digest uses less memory

Daniel changed mk-query-digest to use much less memory. It parsed and aggregated a 2GB MySQL slow query log file in a few dozen megabytes of memory for me yesterday. Thanks to Facebook for sponsoring this work.

Related posts:

  1. mk-query-digest now supports Postgres logs
  2. Learn about mk-query-digest at PgEast 2010
  3. Slides from my session on mk-query-digest at PgEast 2010
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How Maatkit benefits from test-driven development

Over in Maatkit-land, Daniel Nichter and I practice test-first programming, AKA test-driven development. That is, we write tests for each new feature or to catch regressions on each bug we fix. And — this is crucial — we write the tests before we write the code.* The tests should initially fail, which is a validation that the new code actually works and the tests actually verify this. If we don’t first write a failing testcase, then our code lacks a very important guarantee: “if you break this code, then the test case will tell you so.” (A test that doesn’t fail when the code fails isn’t worth writing.)

Most of the time when I do this, I write a test, it fails because I haven’t written any code yet, and I then go do some kind of …

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Maatkit version 2152 released

Download Maatkit

Maatkit version 2152 is ready for download. This release is also known as the “is this project really alive?” release. We thought we should delay until MySQL released a new Community Server version. Just kidding — it has nothing to do with that.

This release is also very significant in that it’s the first one that has large code contributions by someone other than myself. As you may know, Percona (my employer) has hired the very talented Daniel Nichter, author of mysqlreport and other goodies, to help with Maatkit. So far it is a match made in heaven, and Daniel did …

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