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Displaying posts with tag: Tarantool (reset)
What technologies are you running alongside MySQL?

In many environments MySQL is not the only technology used to store in-process data.

Quite frequently, especially with large-scale or complicated applications, we use MySQL alongside other technologies for certain tasks of reporting, caching as well as main data-store for portions of application.

What technologies for data storage and processing do you use alongside MySQL in your environment? Please feel free to elaborate in the comments about your use case and experiences!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

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Evaluating a MySQL database connector

Since Tarantool stored procedure API was extended with socket I/O, a whole universe of applications for data-enriched networking (routing, proxying, PUSH-notifications, and so on) has become possible.

But there is one case which doesn't lend itself so easily: anything MySQL. The first scenario I'd love to support is when Tarantool works as a smart write-back cache for MySQL, providing a higher update RPS, but automatically maintaining a slightly dated copy of all the data in a relational database.

One dramatic shortcoming of MySQL universe, which, IMHO, if addressed properly, could spark a whole new set of uses and third-party solutions, is the clumsiness of the client-server protocol.

The MySQL client-server protocol is unnecessarily hard to implement: it is built on top of a layered design, with built-in compression and transport-level tricks to be able to communicate over unreliable protocol such as …

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Evaluating a MySQL database connector

Since Tarantool stored procedure API was extended with socket I/O, a whole universe of applications for data-enriched networking (routing, proxying, PUSH-notifications, and so on) has become possible.

But there is one case which doesn't lend itself so easily: anything MySQL. The first scenario I'd love to support is when Tarantool works as a smart write-back cache for MySQL, providing a higher update RPS, but automatically maintaining a slightly dated copy of all the data in a relational database.

One dramatic shortcoming of MySQL universe, which, IMHO, if addressed properly, could spark a whole new set of uses and third-party solutions, is the clumsiness of the client-server protocol.

The MySQL client-server protocol is unnecessarily hard to implement: it is built on top of a layered design, with built-in compression and transport-level tricks to be able to communicate over unreliable protocol such as …

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Vote for MySQL[plus] awards 2011 !

First of all, I wish you a happy new year.
Many things happened last year, it was really exciting to be involved in the MySQL ecosystem.
I hope this enthusiasm will be increased this year, up to you !

To start the year, I propose the MySQL[plus] Awards 2011
It will only take 5 minutes to fill out these polls.
Answer with your heart first and then with your experience with some of these tools or services.

Polls will be closed January 31, so, vote now !
For “other” answers, please,  let me a comment with details.

Don’t hesitate to submit proposal for tools or services in the comments.
And, please, share these polls !


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, …

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Automation of functional testing of a key/value storage

In my previous post I described what it took to add SQL support and a simple command line client to a NoSQL storage. However, I needed not just ad-hoc testing with a client, but a framework to automatically run and manage many tests.

I expect that automated tests are easy to understand, extend, and maintain. When a test breaks, finding and debugging what broke should be easy. Such qualities can not be met in a heterogeneous test environment. Rather, it would be best if some common language and toolkit was used. It's easiest for all when a failing test can be run directly under a debugger.

In MySQL, this task is solved with a combination of 'mysqltest' client-side testing tool and 'mysql-test-run', an automation environment for functional tests.

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Functional testing of Tarantool

Tarantool offers clients a simple binary protocol with basic data manipulation commands - GET, PUT, SET, DELETE. All administrative commands, however, must be sent in textual form to a separate, administative port. A separate port is useful as long as there is no authentication support. Examples of administrative commands are 'SAVE SNAPSHOT' or 'SHOW STAT'.
The whole thing had a few functional tests, but all of them required to be run manually. If you're not the one who wrote it, you probably wouldn't know how to run it.
I was looking for something that would be easy to write and easy to run. It needed to be a lingua franca of testing, used both by developers and quality assurance engineers. It would also be nice to be able to easily express in the new framework test cases for discovered bugs.
Of course, for an ex-SQL geek, SQL looked very much like the lingua …

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Bringing RDBMS testing methods to a key/value storage project

What I'd like to describe is how I tried to bring things that are good about mysql-test-run, mysqltest and pushbuild, to the open source project I'm currently working on, Tarantool.
Since names such as mysql-test-run, mysqltest, or pushbuild tell little to those who don't know how testing is done at MySQL, I'll make a series of blog posts and try explaining the elephant one piece at a time.
In a nutshell, there is a collection of tools that enable [open source] projects to do development in a "civilized" form. Some projects only use select pieces of the puzzle, but the best effects are, in my view, achieved when all pieces are made to …

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Showing entries 1 to 7