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Displaying posts with tag: lua (reset)
Lua sysbench – crash course

This is a follow-up on my previous blog post about using Lua enabled sysbench. Today I will dive into how to write Lua scripts for sysbench. Look at this simple example:

function prepare ()
  local i
  print("creating table sbtest.t1 ...")
  db_query("create table t1 (c1 int unsigned primary key, c2 int)")
  for i= 1, 1000 do
    db_query("insert into t1 values (" .. i .. "," .. i .. ")")

function cleanup()
  db_query("drop table t1")

function help()
  print("sysbench Lua demo; no special command line options available")

function thread_init(thread_id)

function thread_done(thread_id)

function event(thread_id)
  db_query("select c2 from t1 where c1=" .. sb_rand(1, 1000))

There are 3 functions prepare(), cleanup() and help(). Those are …

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Using Lua-enabled sysbench

A quite common benchmark for MySQL is sysbench. It was written nearly 10 years ago by Alexey Kopytov.

Sysbench has modes to benchmark raw CPU performance, mutex speed, scheduler overhead and file IO performance. The probably most often used sysbench mode is OLTP. This benchmark mimics a OLTP scenario with small transactions hitting an optimized database. There are many variables to play with, most important is the number of simulated application threads (option --num-threads). The OLTP benchmark can be run read-only, then it does 14 SELECT queries per transaction. Or it can be run read-write which adds 2 UPDATEs and one INSERT and DELETE.

The latest release of this official sysbench tree is 0.4.12. Many Linux distributions ship a package for this.

However there is also a newer version of sysbench, that comes as version number 0.5.

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Evaluating a MySQL database connector

Since Tarantool stored procedure API was extended with socket I/O, a whole universe of applications for data-enriched networking (routing, proxying, PUSH-notifications, and so on) has become possible.

But there is one case which doesn't lend itself so easily: anything MySQL. The first scenario I'd love to support is when Tarantool works as a smart write-back cache for MySQL, providing a higher update RPS, but automatically maintaining a slightly dated copy of all the data in a relational database.

One dramatic shortcoming of MySQL universe, which, IMHO, if addressed properly, could spark a whole new set of uses and third-party solutions, is the clumsiness of the client-server protocol.

The MySQL client-server protocol is unnecessarily hard to implement: it is built on top of a layered design, with built-in compression and transport-level tricks to be able to communicate over unreliable protocol such as …

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Evaluating a MySQL database connector

Since Tarantool stored procedure API was extended with socket I/O, a whole universe of applications for data-enriched networking (routing, proxying, PUSH-notifications, and so on) has become possible.

But there is one case which doesn't lend itself so easily: anything MySQL. The first scenario I'd love to support is when Tarantool works as a smart write-back cache for MySQL, providing a higher update RPS, but automatically maintaining a slightly dated copy of all the data in a relational database.

One dramatic shortcoming of MySQL universe, which, IMHO, if addressed properly, could spark a whole new set of uses and third-party solutions, is the clumsiness of the client-server protocol.

The MySQL client-server protocol is unnecessarily hard to implement: it is built on top of a layered design, with built-in compression and transport-level tricks to be able to communicate over unreliable protocol such as …

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Lua and mysql-proxy: how to send a query to an email

I recently got an inquiry on how to receive an email every time a query was executed via the MySQL proxy. This is very simple and you can achieve it by simply piping the query to the *nix mail command. Here is the sample code (in a file caled send_mail.lua):

function read_query(packet)
  if string.byte(packet) == proxy.COM_QUERY then
    print("Hello world! Seen the query: " .. string.sub(packet, 2))
    print("Sending query to email:")
    os.execute("echo " .. string.sub(packet, 2) .. "| mail -s'Lua test' ")

To execute this, install proxy as per the instructions in the manual. Then simply run the proxy and point it at your script:

shell> bin/mysql-proxy --proxy-lua-script=send_email.lua &

Finally, connect to the proxy and issue a query:

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MockLoad on Launchpad - MySQL Proxy

Several months ago, I started a little project at work, called Mockload. It started as a fun way of using the MySQL Proxy, to test our monitoring agent, as well as the rules engine and graphs on the Service Manager.

I needed a tool that would be easy to use, and improve over time. And that it would allow our QA team to send custom values to the service manager. The goal was to pretend having some very busy MySQL servers.

And what better tool, than the MySQL Proxy itself to pretend being a busy MySQL Server!
The way our agent collects the MySQL related data, is by issuing different sql queries. So, I thought that I could have a MySQL proxy instance in between …

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Hidden Features Of Perl, PHP, Javascript, C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, And Others [Collection Of Incredibly Useful Lists]


StackOverflow is an amazing site for coding questions. It was created by Joel Spolsky of, Jeff Atwood of, and some other incredibly smart guys who truly care about user experience. I have been a total fan of SO since it went mainstream and it's now a borderline addiction (you can see my StackOverflow badge on the right sidebar).

The Story

Update 6/21/09: This server is currently under very heavy load (10-200), even with caching plugins enabled. Please bear with me as I try to resolve the situation.

Feel free to …

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wormhole: JOINs

In my rare spare time work on the Binlog Storage Engine: MySQL Proxy Edition and for a few days I was wondering why my index-based JOINs didn't worked. With a index it works, with an index nothing is returned.

I narrowed it down to a simple test-case:

select * from test AS a JOIN test AS b USING (event_pos) WHERE a.event_pos IN (106);
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | const |    1 |       | 
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | const |    1 |       | …
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MySQL Proxy => proxydb + replication

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a lua script to use with the MySQL Proxy that transforms the Proxy into a key=>value lookup dictionary.

But I couldn't just stop there. So I decided to add replication to it :).

The basic idea is that you have one proxy that acts like a master, it can handle all write/read operations. Once it receives a write query, it will send that query to the slave proxy instances, and after the last slave gets the query, the master will return a confirmation to the mysql client.
And of course, you send your read queries to the slave proxy instances.

Show me the code.
It is available on the …

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MySQL Proxy - is it a MySQL server or what is it?

There are times when you don't need a MySQL server to handle your queries, this could come handy when you are automating tests, or writing interesting Lua scripts.

Yes, you can use the MySQL Proxy for this as well. And have it pretend to be a MySQL server.
Today we'll focus on a simple implementation. We will handle an initial connection, a SHOW DATABASES query and the exit (QUIT) command.

You can see all the hooks that the proxy handles on this Lua script written by Giuseppe

Connecting to a server. …

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