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Displaying posts with tag: feature (reset)
MySQL adjustment bureau

When maintainng any piece of software, we usually deal with two kind of actions:

  • bug fixing,
  • new features.

bugs and features

A bug happens when there is an error in the software, which does not behave according to the documentation or the specifications. In short, it's a breech of contract between the software maintainer and the users. The promise, i.e. the software API that was published at every major version, is broken, and the software must be reconciled with the expectations and fixed, so that it behaves again as the documentation says. When we fix a bug in this way, we increment the revision number of the software version …

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New Shard-Query features checked into SVN

I checked some updates to Shard-Query into SVN. Partitioning support has been extended for MySQL 5.6+ to ALL partitioning types.

This includes all previously unsupported types including RANGE LIST/COLUMNS partitioned tables that are partitioned over more than one column, and HASH/KEY/LINEAR variants as well. Shard-Query now exclusively uses the PARTITION hint for partition elimination instead of WHERE clauses in MySQL 5.6. For 5.5 and previous versions, support remains limited to LIST,RANGE, and LIST/RANGE COLUMNS over a single column.

The old mysql interface DAL has been replaced completely by the PDO DAL.

There is no major difference for end users except that you have to check that the return of the query() method is an object with the is_object() function instead of checking that it is a resource with the is_resource() function. I updated bin/run_query, which is the example application.

I …

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New flushing algorithm in InnoDB

In MySQL labs release April 2012 we have reworked the flushing heuristics in InnoDB. In this post I’ll give an overview of what we have changed and the various configuration variables we have introduced to fine tune the flushing algorithm. If you are interested in finding out how our new flushing algorithm fares in benchmarks you can get these details in Dimitri’s well-explained blog here.

Flushing means writing dirty pages to disk. I have explained in some detail about adaptive_flushing and types of flushing in my previous notes. Please go through these notes if you want to …

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InnoDB persistent stats got a friendly UI

After introducing InnoDB persistent statistics in MySQL 5.6, in this April Labs release we have dressed it up in a nice UI and refactored the internals a bit to make the code more elegant and straight-forward.

The persistent stats are now controlled globally and can also be overridden at table level, should any table require a different behavior.


The server global flag –innodb-stats-persistent (boolean) now controls whether all InnoDB tables use persistent statistics or not. Keep in mind that if a table is using persistent stats then its statistics will not be updated automatically and you are responsible for running ANALYZE TABLE periodically, whenever you think the table contents has changed too much. Thus the default for –innodb-stats-persistent is currently set to OFF.

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Memcached With SASL Support

In this April MySQL Lab release, we’ll provide you a more robust and release-ready InnoDB Memcached Engine with a few enhancements. The most notable addition is the SASL support, which gives users the capability to protect their MySQL database from unauthenticated access through memcached clients. In this blog, I will walk you through steps of getting this option enabled.

Background Info:
SASL stands for “Simple Authentication and Security Layer”, which is a Standard for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. Memcached added SASL support starting its 1.4.3 release. And here is a good article that gives you some background on why and how SASL is supported in Memcached.

For InnoDB Memcached, the “Memcached mapped” user table must be registered in the “container” “system table”. And …

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April 2012 Labs Release – Online DDL Improvements

This feature is a continuation of the “Fast Index Creation” feature introduced in Fast Index Creation in the InnoDB Storage Engine. Now you can perform other kinds of DDL operations on InnoDB tables online: that is, with minimal delay for operations on that table, and without rebuilding the entire table. This enhancement improves responsiveness and availability in busy production environments, where making a table unavailable for seconds or minutes whenever its column definitions change is not practical.

The DDL operations enhanced by this feature are these variations on the …

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InnoDB transportable tablespaces

The Problem

In the past, users were unable to take full advantage of the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement. InnoDB simply ignored the flush to disk part. If the table did not have any dirty pages in the InnoDB buffer that weren’t synced to disk (due to sheer luck) then it was safe to copy the .ibd file to another location. Also, the restore was not without its limitations and complications. The .ibd file could not be copied over to another server because InnoDB during import did not fix up metadata required for a trouble-free import. The main problems during import were:

  • If the tablespace ID of the IMPORTing instance had changed, for example if the table had been dropped and re-created, then the import would fail.
  • If the table …
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Choose the Location of your InnoDB File-per-Table Tablespace

The April 2012 InnoDB labs release introduces a new feature in InnoDB that allows you to choose the location of specific tables.  For example, you can place critical tables onto an SSD drive while leaving the system tablespace on a hard drive.  Conversely, you can store you primary database files on an SSD and put a seldom used but very large archive or reference table on a larger cheaper hard drive.

Innodb now makes use of the following existing syntax in MySQL ;

CREATE TABLE  . . .  DATA DIRECTORY = ‘absolute path of data directory’;

CREATE TABLE  . . .  PARTITION . . . DATA DIRECTORY = ‘absolute path of data directory’;

This syntax is used in MyISAM and Archive engines to make use of symbolic links in those operating systems that support it.  But InnoDB can use this syntax on any OS since it stores the path in a new system table called SYS_DATAFILES.  There is also …

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InnoDB 2012 Spring Labs Release

InnoDB team is pleased to announce the 2012 Spring labs release, with several much anticipated new features and performance enhancements. Please download mysql-5.6-labs-april-2012 from MySQL Labs and give a try. Do not forget to provide your feedback.

The 2012 Spring labs release on MySQL Labs consists of the following InnoDB new features, which are not in the newly released MySQL 5.6.5 DMR yet:

  • Online DDL: some of the DDLs are now truly online, including ADD INDEX, SET DEFAULT, and DROP FOREIGN KEY.
  • Memcached plugin: with additional features, such as SASL support.
  • Transportable tablespace: allow user to export data files and import them into another MySQL instance.
  • Persistent statistics ON/OFF switch: the ability of controlling persistent statistics on table …
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InnoDB 5.6.4 supports databases with 4k and 8k page sizes

In the 5.6.4 release it is now possible to create an InnoDB database with 4k or 8k page sizes in addition to the original 16k page size. Previously, it could be done by recompiling the engine with a different value for UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT and UNIV_PAGE_SIZE. With this release, you can set –innodb-page-size=n when starting mysqld, or put innodb_page_size=n in the configuration file in the [mysqld] section where n can be 4k, 8k, 16k, or 4096, 8192, 16384.

The support of smaller page sizes may be useful for certain storage media such as SSDs. Performance results can vary depending on your data schema, record size, and read/write ratio. But this provides you more options to optimize your performance.

When this new setting is used, the page size is set for all tablespaces used by that InnoDB instance. You can query the current value with;

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘innodb_page_size’;
SELECT variable_value …

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