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Displaying posts with tag: VB.NET (reset)
Hidden Features Of Perl, PHP, Javascript, C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, And Others [Collection Of Incredibly Useful Lists]


StackOverflow is an amazing site for coding questions. It was created by Joel Spolsky of, Jeff Atwood of, and some other incredibly smart guys who truly care about user experience. I have been a total fan of SO since it went mainstream and it's now a borderline addiction (you can see my StackOverflow badge on the right sidebar).

The Story

Update 6/21/09: This server is currently under very heavy load (10-200), even with caching plugins enabled. Please bear with me as I try to resolve the situation.

Feel free to …

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New Spanish Translations

Thanks to Leonardo Villamil Gamba, there are new Spanish translations of Article Four and Article Five in the popular VB.NET/MySQL article series.

See all the Spanish translations at

Google Translated:

Los gracias al espicanardo de Leonardo Villamil, allí son nuevas traducciones españolas del Article Four de Article Five. Ver todas las traducciones españolas en el …

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Connector/NET 5.0.1

Looks like we have a new version. From the announcement:

MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.1 Beta has been released. MySQL Connector/Net is an all-managed ADO.Net provider for MySQL. While this release is suitable for any version of MySQL, it is strongly encouraged that this release not be used on any production data. This release is feature complete with the exception of DTC support in System.Transactions.

It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/Net download pages at and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point of time - if you can’t find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

The following major changes are listed:

  • Support for ADO.Net 2.0 interfaces and subclasses …
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Visual Studio Integration has Arrived

One common request I see is for better integration between MySQL and Visual Studio, allowing developers to manage MySQL databases from within VS. Well, the wait is over, announcement to follow:

Today we have released the first build of MySQL Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio — a downloadable plug-in for Visual Studio 2005 that allows Windows developers to quickly build MySQL data-driven applications with Visual Studio. With this plug-in, developers will be able to create, modify and manage MySQL database objects with an easy-to-use interface from within the Visual Studio IDE. This product is delivered as a package compatible with Visual Studio 2005 and delivers the following features:

  • DDEX (Data Designer Extensibility) compatibility
  • Ability to work with MySQL objects (tables, views, stored procedures, etc) from within Server Explorer

In a later release, we are planning on including tighter …

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Connector/NET 5 ? Go Forth and Test!

The wait is finally over, MySQL Connector/NET 5 is here!


MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.0 Alpha 1 has been released. MySQL Connector/Net is an all-managed ADO.Net provider for MySQL.

While this release is suitable for any version of MySQL, it is strongly encouraged that this release not be used on any production data. This release has some features that are not yet complete and a few test cases that are not passing but is being made available to the public to gather feedback for the beta phase. Please see below for a list of the areas that are not complete or are not working.

It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/Net download pages at
and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point of time - if you can’t find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.) …

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New Design at

I’ve introduced a new design and Wordpress backend at, feel free to take a look and provide feedback. Now that editing will be easier I think I’ll be pushing out some fresh content too.

New VB.NET/MySQL Article Online

There is a new entry in the developer notes series, available at

This one covers managing hierarchies using stored procedures and the nested set model.

.NET Sessions at the MySQL UC 2006

There are four .NET specific sessions at the MySQL User Conference this year:

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Creating .Net Applications with Linux and MySQL
Matt Lord, Support Engineer, MySQL AB

MySQL and Windows: Playing Well Together
Reggie Burnett, Software Developer, MySQL AB

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

MySQL Connector/Net: Work the Way You Want To!
Reggie Burnett, Software Developer, MySQL AB

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New Article

I have completed another article in my series of VB2005/MySQL developer notes.

MySQL Connector/NET 1.0.7

Connector/NET 1.0.7 has been released.

It is available at

This looks like a bugfix release, so if you have encountered any bugs in a previous version you may want to upgrade.

Kudos to Reggie for another great release!

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