I recently got an inquiry on how to receive an email every time a query was executed via the MySQL proxy. This is very simple and you can achieve it by simply piping the query to the *nix mail command. Here is the sample code (in a file caled send_mail.lua):
function read_query(packet) if string.byte(packet) == proxy.COM_QUERY then print("Hello world! Seen the query: " .. string.sub(packet, 2)) print("Sending query to email:") os.execute("echo " .. string.sub(packet, 2) .. "| mail -s'Lua test' your.email.here@example.com ") end end
To execute this, install proxy as per the instructions in the
manual. Then simply run the proxy and point it
at your script:
shell> bin/mysql-proxy --proxy-lua-script=send_email.lua
Finally, connect to the proxy and issue a query: