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Displaying posts with tag: My Projects (reset)
ActiveMQ + Ruby Stomp Client: How to process elements one by one

Few months ago I’ve switched one of our internal projects from doing synchronous database saves of analytics data to an asynchronous processing using starling + a pool of workers. This was the day when I really understood the power of specialized queue servers. I was using database (mostly, MySQL) for this kind of tasks for years and sometimes (especially under a highly concurrent load) it worked not so fast… Few times I worked with some queue servers, but those were either some small tasks or I didn’t have a time to really get the idea, that specialized queue servers were created just to do these tasks quickly and efficiently.

All this time (few months now) I was using starling noticed really bad thing in how it works: if workers die (really die, or lock on something for a long time, or just start lagging) …

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Advanced Squid Caching for Rails Applications: Preface

Since the day one when I joined Scribd, I was thinking about the fact that 90+% of our traffic is going to the document view pages, which is a single action in our documents controller. I was wondering how could we improve this action responsiveness and make our users happier.

Few times I was creating a git branches and hacking this action trying to implement some sort of page-level caching to make things faster. But all the time results weren’t as good as I’d like them to be. So, branches were sitting there and waiting for a better idea.

Few months ago my good friend has joined Scribd and we’ve started thinking on this problem together. As the result of our brainstorming we’ve managed to figure out what were the problems preventing us from doing efficient caching: …

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Bounces-handler Released

Today I’ve managed to finish initial version of our bounces-handler package we use for mailing-related stuff in Scribd.

Bounces-handler package is a simple set of scripts to automatically process email bounces and ISP‘s feedback loops emails, maintain your mailing blacklists and a Rails plugin to use those blacklists in your RoR applications.

This piece of software has been developed as a part of more global work on mailing quality improvement in, but it was one of the most critical steps after setting up reverse DNS records, DKIM and SPF.

The package itself consists of two parts:

  • Perl scripts to process incoming email:
    • bounces processor — could be …
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Using Sphinx for Non-Fulltext Queries

How often do you think about the reasons why your favorite RDBMS sucks? Last few months I was doing this quite often and yes, my favorite RDBMS is MySQL. The reason why I was thinking so because one of my recent tasks at Scribd was fixing scalability problems in documents browsing.

The problem with browsing was pretty simple to describe and as hard to fix - we have large data set which consists of a few tables with many fields with really bad selectivity (flag fields like is_deleted, is_private, etc; file_type, language_id , category_id and others). As the result of this situation it becomes really hard (if possible at all) to display documents lists like “most popular 1-10 pages PDF documents in Italian language from the category “Business” (of course, non-deleted, …

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InnoDB Recovery toolset Version 0.3 Released

Even though I didn’t go to MySQL conf this year (really sad about this), this week is gonna be most active in the community so I decided to do some community stuff too Today I’ve released version 0.3 of our innodb recovery toolkit. Now it became much faster, stable and accurate. At this moment it is possible to recover almost any table from corrupted/deleted tablespace without so much effort as it was before. Here is a short changes list (since 0.1 announced here):

  • More MySQL data types added: DECIMAL (both old and new), DATE, TIME
  • CHAR data type handling improved in table definitions generator
  • Indexes filtering added to page_parser
  • 64-bit stat() support added to all tools
  • Linux has no isnumber() function so we define our own …
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FastSessions Rails Plugin Released

How often do we think about our http sessions implementation? I mean, do you know, how your currently used sessions-related code will behave when sessions number in your database will grow up to millions (or, even, hundreds of millions) of records? This is one of the things we do not think about. But if you’ll think about it, you’ll notice, that 99% of your session-related operations are read-only and 99% of your sessions writes are not needed. Almost all your sessions table records have the same information: session_id and serialized empty session in the data field.

Looking at this sessions-related situation we have created really simple (and, at the same time, really useful for large Rails projects) plugin, which replaces ActiveRecord-based session store and makes sessions much more effective. Below you can find some information about implementation details and decisions we’ve made in this plugin, but if you just want to try it, then …

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Data Recovery Toolkit for InnoDB Released

I’m returned from my 1-week vacation today and want to say - I’ve never been so productive as I was there Blue ocean, hot sun and white sand really helped me to finish my work on the first release of one really awesome project.

Today I’m proud to announce our first public release of the Data Recovery Toolkit for InnoDB - set of tools for checking InnoDB tablespaces and recovering data from damaged tablespaces or from dropped/truncated InnoDB tables.

This release already has a pretty decent set of features:

  • Supports both REDUNDANT (pre mysql 5.0) and COMPACT (mysql 5.0+) versions of tablespaces
  • Works with single tablespaces and file-per-table tablespaces
  • Able to recover data even when processed InnoDB page has been reassigned …
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MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager 1.0 Released

It’s been a long time since we’ve started this project and it is time to make a checkpoint. So, I’ve decided to release final 1.0 version and make 1.X branch stable while all serious development with deep architectural changes will be done 2.X branch (trunk at this moment).

Changes from previous release:

  • Perl semaphores implementation caused huge memory leaks (mmmd_mod).
  • Now we do not send any commands to hard offline hosts with dead TCP/IP stack to prevent mointoring problems for other hosts.
  • Removed legacy StartSlave method from agent code which caused problems on some Perl versions
  • Added a few fixes to prevent non-exclusive roles from moving. This caused internal status structures to …
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MyWebER is going to die

My google summer of code project called MyWebER is going to die. The reason - I have no time to proceed developing it. I have a lot of ideas, but not sure that I’ll find any time to implement them.

As I can see, MySQL AB is not interested in this project. If anyone wants to help me - you’re welcome.
“Skilled JavaScript developers are wanted.” (C)

MMM checkers memory leak?

One of MMM users reported that they’re experiencing really weird memory leaks in checker processes used by MMM. After a deep investigation I’ve found out that Perl part of the checker and checker modules does not leak (at least I didn’t found these leaks), so I think it could be caused by some problems in MySQL DBD module (client uses Ubuntu server).

So, I’d like to ask all users to check if their checker processes use more memory than expected and if yes, what OS, MySQL libraries versions and Perl version used on their servers.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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