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Displaying posts with tag: toolkit (reset)
Query Profiling Tools ? part 1, mysqlsla

The “sla” in mysqlsla stands for “statement log analyzer”. This does a much better job than mysqldumpslow of analyzing your slow query log. In fact, you can sort by many different parameters — by sheer number of times the query shows up in the slow query log, by the total or average query [...]

MySQL Query Profiling Tools ? part 0, Ma?atkit Query Profiler

Today I’ve been checking out a new client environment. My mission is to figure out (cold) some of the characteristics of the queries being run, and particularly if they’re “good” or “bad”. In my arsenal of “tools I really want to check out” has been Ma’atkit’s Query Profiler. They’re very different tools. Ma’atkit’s query [...]

Data Recovery Toolkit for InnoDB Released

I’m returned from my 1-week vacation today and want to say - I’ve never been so productive as I was there Blue ocean, hot sun and white sand really helped me to finish my work on the first release of one really awesome project.

Today I’m proud to announce our first public release of the Data Recovery Toolkit for InnoDB - set of tools for checking InnoDB tablespaces and recovering data from damaged tablespaces or from dropped/truncated InnoDB tables.

This release already has a pretty decent set of features:

  • Supports both REDUNDANT (pre mysql 5.0) and COMPACT (mysql 5.0+) versions of tablespaces
  • Works with single tablespaces and file-per-table tablespaces
  • Able to recover data even when processed InnoDB page has been reassigned …
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