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Displaying posts with tag: Jeremy Cole (reset)
Deep dive into MySQL’s innochecksum tool

One of our Percona Support customers recently reported that Percona XtraBackup failed with a page corruption error on an InnoDB table. The customer thought it was a problem or bug in the Percona XtraBackup tool. After investigation we found that an InnoDB page was actually corrupted and a Percona XtraBackup tool caught the error as expected and hence the backup job failed.

I thought this would be an interesting topic and worthy of a blog post. In this article I will describe the innochecksum tool, when and how to use it and what are the possible fixes if an InnoDB table suffers from …

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Engineer duo from Google, LinkedIn join again for InnoDB talks

Google senior systems engineer Jeremy Cole is once again teaming with LinkedIn senior software engineer Davi Arnaut for two InnoDB-focused sessions at the upcoming Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2014 this April 1-4 in Santa Clara, California.

The duo will present “InnoDB: A journey to the core II” on April 2 and “InnoDB: A  hands-on exploration of on-disk storage with innodb-ruby” on April 4. Based on Jeremy’s InnoDB blog series, both sessions will be a continuation of …

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MySQL’s cloudy new database project

When Sun acquired MySQL and announced that it would invest the resources necessary to position the open source database for mission-critical deployments, I think everyone assumed that the database would eventually become bigger and heavier.

Few would have predicted that we would also see a project that would make the database smaller and lighter, but that is exactly what Drizzle, a new project from Sun’s MySQL director of architecture Brian Aker, is all about.

Drizzle is taking a back-to-the-drawing-board approach to refactoring MySQL by ripping out much of the additional enterprise functionality that has gone into it since version 4.1 and focusing on the demands of a core set of applications.

As Brian …

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Finding the right balance - MySQL?s changing development model

I?ve already taken a look at MySQL?s changing business model and the potential business drivers behind the company considering introducing new functionality under to Enterprise customers only. One area that I didn?t dive into was the impact on the company?s development model.

This, in fact, was the focus of Jeremy Cole?s initial take on the news as well as a significant response from Marten Mickos. ?MySQL will start offering some features (specifically ones related to online backups) only in MySQL Enterprise,? explained Jeremy.

?As I?ve discussed before, the …

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MySQL?s business model in a state of flux

“Sun to Begin Close Sourcing MySQL” screamed the headline on Slashdot last night. The headline is not entirely accurate (although slightly more accurate than the bizarre statement that “Sun has had a very poor history of actually open sourcing anything”).

So what is going on at MySQL? To get to the bottom of that you have to weave together a number of posts and comments from a number of sources. First the article behind the Slashdot headline:

“Just announced: MySQL to launch new features only in MySQL Enterprise,” states Jeremy Cole, which is a much more accurate description of the state of affairs. “MySQL …

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What is new in Maatkit

My posts lately have been mostly progress reports and release notices. That's because we're in the home stretch on the book, and I don't have much spare time. However, a lot has also been changing with Maatkit, and I wanted to take some time to write about it properly.

How to measure MySQL slave lag accurately

Kevin Burton wrote recently about why SHOW SLAVE STATUS is really not a good way to monitor how far behind your slave servers are, and how slave network timeouts can mess up the slave lag. I'd like to chime in and say this is exactly why I thought Jeremy Cole's MySQL Heartbeat script was such a natural fit for the MySQL Toolkit. It measures slave lag in a "show me the money" way: it looks for the effects of up-to-date replication, rather than asking the slave how far behind it thinks it is.

The slave doesn't even need to be running. In …

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MySQL Toolkit version 896 released

This release of MySQL Toolkit adds a new tool, fixes some minor bugs, and adds new functionality to several of the tools.

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