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Displaying posts with tag: storm (reset)
On RDBMS, NoSQL and NewSQL databases. Interview with John Ryan

“The single most important lesson I’ve learned is to keep it simple. I find designers sometimes deliver over-complex, generic solutions that could (in theory) do anything, but in reality are remarkably difficult to operate, and often misunderstood.”–John Ryan

I have interviewed John Ryan, Data Warehouse Solution Architect (Director) at UBS.


Q1. You are an experienced Data Warehouse architect, designer and developer. What are the main lessons you have learned in your career?

John Ryan: The single most important lesson I’ve learned is to keep it simple. I find designers sometimes deliver over-complex, generic solutions that could (in theory) do anything, but in reality are remarkably difficult to operate, and often misunderstood. I believe this stems from a lack of understanding of the …

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The Data Day, A few days: January 2-4, 2013

Apache Cassandra and BigTop updates. And more

For 451 Research clients: Kx Systems aims to slipstream the ‘big data’ bandwagon to expanded kdb+ adoption

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) January 3, 2013

For 451 Research clients: IBM sheds light on ‘big data’ integration and governance the Big Blue way By Krishna Roy

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) January 2, 2013

The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Cassandra v1.2

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) January …

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451 CAOS Links 2011.08.05

Google and Microsoft trade patent claims. Actuate announces Q2 results. And more.

# Google accused Microsoft, Oracle, Apple and other companies of organising a hostile patent campaign against Android. That prompted Microsoft executives to claim that Microsoft invited Google to be involved in the CPTN purchase of Novell’s patents. However, Google explained that joining CPTN might have decreased its ability to defend itself against potential patent claims.

# Actuate announced its Q2 …

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