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Displaying posts with tag: javascript (reset)
A Pirate Captain visiting the Pacific Northwest

About three weeks from now, Rickard Falkvinge (founder of the Pirate Party) will be kicking off the Vancouver Open Web Conference. He’ll be presenting a keynote on how, in just three years, a party with an odd name organized around a narrow electronic frontier platform has become the fourth largest political party in Sweden. It’s an amazing story that makes a good parable about how the world is changing and is a fitting start for a conference that we’ve (meaning mostly Jeff Griffiths, Malcolm van Delst, Mike Cantelon and Tim Whiteway) worked hard to make a careful balance of accessible, …

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Sequential Web Frontends/Browsers are the Killer

Response times of any web application are very critical for the end-user experience. Steve Souders takes a detailed look at several large Web sites and concludes that 80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend, i.e., program code that is running inside your Web browser.

Traditional parallelization techniques and caching are without a doubt very effective in the design of scalable Web servers, databases, operating systems and other mission-critical software and hardware components. Assume that all these components are perfectly parallel and optimized, Amdhal's law still suggests that response time improvements will be very modest, or barely measurable.

Sequential Web Frontends/Browsers are the Killer

Response times of any web application are very critical for the end-user experience. Steve Souders takes a detailed look at several large Web sites and concludes that 80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend, i.e., program code that is running inside your Web browser.

Traditional parallelization techniques and caching are without a doubt very effective in the design of scalable Web servers, databases, operating systems and other mission-critical software and hardware components. Assume that all these components are perfectly parallel and optimized, Amdhal's law still suggests that response time improvements will be very modest, or barely measurable.

Four short links: 2 Mar 2009

You open the letterbox. Inside are four interesting links covering politics, mobile business, Javascript, and MySQL:

  1. The Minimal Compact (Adam Greenfield) -- a manifesto on "open source constitutions for post-national entities". Sample: "Of interest are alternatives that are designed from the beginning to: Ensure the greatest freedom for the greatest number, without simultaneously abridging the freedoms of others; Permit individuals with common goals and beliefs to act in their own interest at the global level and with all the privileges afforded nation states, even when those individuals are separated by distance; Provide robust resistance to attempts to concentrate power, and other abuses of same."
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Creating an Ajax Application with

Hi all,

Today I'd like to continue a blog series in which I highlight Web application tutorials for NetBeans 6.5. A few changes have been made to tutorials, among which is the featuring of MySQL as the database of choice.

This second entry in the series will cover the tutorial, "Creating an Ajax Application with", which is based on a blog entry by Arun Gupta.

This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the Java Persistence APIs to implement server side pagination (recommended for large sets of data) and to get and display the results in a text field featuring Ajax functionality. Ajax is a technology that combines (X)HTML, JavaScript, and CSS with the power of XmlHttpRequest in the creation of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). is a set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user …

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Changing Lanes: Leaving Sun/MySQL

After having worked for two years and one quarter of a year with MySQL AB (now Sun), I have decided to resign and pursue another career.

Before I joined MySQL AB I was working as a database consultant and application developer. I knew that joining MySQL would mean giving that up, but I was happy to do so because I really liked the MySQL product. I was also attracted by the company itself, the flexible working hours, working from home, travelling abroad, and, very important, being one of the few companies that is capable creating FOSS software on a commercial basis.

I have had a splendid time at MySQL AB, and later Sun. I met lots of smart people and travelled to a bunch of places I would probably not've had the chance to visit otherwise. I learned a lot about the …

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... Ajax and NB, Mural and MDM, RESTful Comet, GF with Hibernate and MySQL, OpenSource Contributors, Grizzlies, Fast JavaScript and more iPhone Rejections

A compilation of today's news of interest:

The NetBeans folks have a new Introductory Tutorial to Ajax, now updated to the forthcoming NetBeans 6.5.

Srenga points that the DataMashup Service Engine from Mural is Part of GlassFish ESB and also points to Manish's Tutorial on building a Server-Side Data Mashup.

From Carol a …

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TOTD #39: Prototype/ Autcomplete widget with MySQL, GlassFish, NetBeans

There are several JavaScript libraries that can be embedded in your webapplication to create a visually appealing interface. is one of the popular ones and is built on the Prototype JavaScript Framework. The library provides an easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScripts that allows you to create fancy effects commonly visible on web pages these days.

This blog entry gets you started by using Ajax.Autocompleter that allows for server-powered autocompleting of text fields. Basically, you type a character in a text field and suggestions for possible correct values starting with that character are shown . This is achieved by by sending an Ajax request to the data source on server, passing the typed …

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Opensource GoogleGears

The last day I’m suffering from different thoughts. So I’ve decided to share’em with you.

It is really possible to create the application such as gears, but independent from Google, that will run on most platofrms and browsers. What we need:

  • Compile embeded MySQL (very lite edition) for most platforms (Windows, Linux and MacOSX, I believe that would be enough)
  • Create Java Applet and JNI-wrapping library to access MySQL
  • Create JavaScript library that will access MySQL through the applet

And that’s all. To use it you will need just to include the applet and JS-library into your page, after the first load applet will detect platform and will download embeded MySQL and native libraries.

Google Test Automation Conference 2007

The titles of the videos look very much like “must watch”. Found via ThinkPHP, thanks.

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