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Displaying posts with tag: CommunityService (reset)
... Reglib or JQuery, IPS and UpdateCenter, and Wikipedia and MySQL

Some recent news of interest:

JQuery is a small and fast JavaScript Framework (Wikipedia, homepage). JQuery is very popular (Google Trends!), but Greg (Reimer - one of the developers of Sun.Com) was interested in exploring a declarative approach to JavaScript programming and created reglib (for registration library). JavaScript fiends can start at Reg's …

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... EoD in JavaEE 6, More JSF 2.0 Samples, IzPack, OpenStorage and Tufte, Sun Restructuring

A compilation of today's news of interest:

Java EE 6 builds on the Ease of Development theme of its predecessor and Roberto's latest post sketches the new additions, which includes the improvements in Servlet 3.0 (tune in to Rajiv's presentation on Dec 4th), JAX-RS, JSF 2.0, EJB 3.0, …

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... Ajax and NB, Mural and MDM, RESTful Comet, GF with Hibernate and MySQL, OpenSource Contributors, Grizzlies, Fast JavaScript and more iPhone Rejections

A compilation of today's news of interest:

The NetBeans folks have a new Introductory Tutorial to Ajax, now updated to the forthcoming NetBeans 6.5.

Srenga points that the DataMashup Service Engine from Mural is Part of GlassFish ESB and also points to Manish's Tutorial on building a Server-Side Data Mashup.

From Carol a …

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Stésud, GlassFish and MySQL - A Multi-Million Sun Deal

This morning Sun issued a Press Release (Sun, Reuters) on a multi-million dollar deal with Belgium-based ERP vendor Stésud s.a.. Quoting from there:

Java-based GlassFish was the first piece of the puzzle we identified to meet our stringent new infrastructure requirements. As soon as Sun acquired MySQL, we decided to employ it as our new database rather than Oracle. With Sun behind both GlassFish and MySQL, it was the best open source infrastructure combination for our needs and for our …

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A community for life

The MySQL community is united for a noble purpose. Leaving aside their usual differences about release cycles and openness philosophy, the community is united in helping the son of Andrii Nikitin, a MySQL Support engineer, to overcome the difficult challenge of financing a life saver bone marrow transplant.

The MySQL project has made its e-commerce site available to help raising the funds as quickly as possible. A very young life is in danger, and many people from inside and outside the company have donated for Ivan.

This is not the first case of open source and life saving tied together. For example, Matthew Swift, one of the …

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