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Displaying posts with tag: life (reset)
Elephanti the Revolutionary Lifestyle Media Network

Today social media applications plays an important role in our day-to-day activities as a result of the Web 2.0 revolution that took place in the Internet. It has revolutionized the lifestyle of almost all the individuals and business entities, for the majority of them spending at least few minutes with it has become an integral […]

The value of Education looses when it is given a price tag

All these years every citizen of our country was blessed with free education and thanks to that the literacy rate was well over 90%. As Sri Lanka being a third world country majority of the citizens falls between middle and lower income category, so the free education plays a critical role to help build their […]

There is a story….

I have a friend who is fond of telling a story from way back in November 2008 at the OpenSQL camp in Charlottesville, Virgina. This was relatively shortly after we had announced to the public that we’d started something called Drizzle (we did that at OSCON) and was even closer to the date I started working on Drizzle full time (which was November 1st). Compared to what it is now, the Drizzle code base was in its infancy. One of the things we hadn’t yet sorted out was the rewrite of the replication code.

So, I had my laptop plugged into a projector, and somebody suggested opening up some random source file… so I did. It was a bit of the replication code that we’d inherited from MySQL. Immediately we spotted a bug. In fact, between myself and Brian I think we worked out that none of the error …

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Relocating to US and joining Facebook

I recently joined Facebook. I relocated to Redwood City (less than 10km from Facebook Menlo Park office) and I commute by bicycle (or caltrain + shuttle on rainy days). I'm currently taking a bootcamp training with Lachlan and other new employees, and will soon join database team.

I really enjoyed MySQL life at DeNA. This was actually the first time experience for me to manage hundreds to thousands of rapidly growing servers. I believe DeNA is the most technically advanced MySQL users in Japan. As you may know, DeNA is a creator of HandlerSocket NoSQL plugin. I created MHA for automating master failover and semi-online master switch. When I worked as a consultant at MySQL/Sun/Oracle, it was very difficult to allocate enough time for creating new products since I spent most of the time for 1-5 day consulting delivery to achieve sales/billing targets. I like short-term consulting, but I like long-term development/enhancement engagements, …

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Beginning of my career

After long days I’m writing this post. Though my blog is very popular for facebook related tutorials, but this is not anything related to facebook or php. This is about me and beginning of my career.

I think every programmer should learn different languages and work in different platforms. You can ask me why? If you work on PHP backend development for 5 years, you will become an experienced guy and will earn better income.

So why you’ll invest your time for other language and other platform?
Because it will give you a good taste of programming and you’ll enjoy yourself. I’m not telling you to leave PHP development and move to other platform, I’m just telling you to make some extra time from your regular job and work in different platform or technology.

In my student life I learned and worked on the following …

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Back in Linux land

It's been a while since my last post on this blog; I definitely need to get back into the habit! One of the reasons for my radio silence was that I switched roles here at Oracle. After having been with the MySQL team for 9 years, I felt it was time for a change. Fortunately I did not have to look far – I'm now a member of the Oracle Linux product management team and I am having a lot of fun there.

However, I realized that while I was an active Linux user on the desktop, quite a lot has happened on the enterprise and data center side of things. Linux has really come a long way and I am glad to be back in this field, drinking from the firehose and learning a lot about recent developments and technologies. For me, this is kind of going "back to my roots", as I have been deeply involved with Linux at SuSE before I joined MySQL in 2002.

Anyway, I'm still alive and you can expect …

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Joining Percona

As you may have read on the MySQL Performance Blog post – I’ve recently joined Percona. This is a fairly exciting next step. I’ll be in New York for Percona Live next week, where I’ll be giving a session titled “Drizzle 7, GA and Supported: Current & Future Features”.

I’ll write more soon, there’s a lot keeping me busy already!

Rackspace Rookie-O (in Hong Kong!)

I’d meant to finish writing this way back in July… but I failed at that. Now is a good time to talk about Rookie-O as my again new colleague Andrew Hutchings (Buy his and Sergei’s book on MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development!) just went through the same thing (but in London instead of Hong Kong) given by the same trainer (Hi Eddie!).

Rackspace is the second employer I’ve had that has some kind of new hire training (the first being Sun). I am, of course, not quite counting Salmiakki as new-hire training for MySQL (although I probably should). To quote from the …

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I’m at OSCON this week. Come say hi and talk Drizzle, Rackspace, cloud, photography, vegan food or brewing.

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Thoughts about working in a distributed organization

I've been working in a fully distributed work environment for almost 8 years now (I joined MySQL AB in April, 2002). Therefore I've been reading Toni Schneider's blog post about the "5 reasons why your company should be distributed" with great interest – he raised several points that I fully agree with and which I covered in my talks about "Working for a virtual company - how we do it at MySQL" at last year's next09 conference (slides, video) and at …

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