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Displaying posts with tag: benchmark (reset)
Aligning IO on a hard disk RAID – the Benchmarks

In the first part of this article I have showed how I align IO, now I want to share results of the benchmark that I have been running to see how much benefit can we get from a proper IO alignment on a 4-disk RAID1+0 with 64k stripe element. I haven’t been running any benchmarks in a while so be careful with my results and forgiving to my mistakes

The environment

Here is the summary of the system I have been running this on (for brevity I have removed some irrelevant information):

# Aspersa System Summary Report ##############################
    Platform | Linux
     Release | Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (lucid)
      Kernel | 2.6.32-31-server
Architecture | CPU = 64-bit, OS = 64-bit
# Processor …
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Innodb Compression: When More is Less

So Vadim posted on the MySQL Performance Blog about poor benchmarks when running innodb compressed pages.  I ran some tests a few weeks ago and did not see the same results as him and checked into my previous tests and compared them to his #’s.  In a round about way verifying his thoughts on Mutex contention I found that increasing the BP sized with compressed data decreases the transactional throughput. The test was run with an uncomressed data set size of 6GB, 3.1GB compressed read-only.

2G, NOZIP 3217.19
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Performance tuning basics

I have been getting a lot of questions about performance tuning this month. So this will be the first in a series on the basics.

Go get your copies of High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More and MySQL Administrator's Bible1 and read up on benchmarking. Also take a peek at George Trujillo's MOCA. These readings will provide you with a overview of the methods and approaches you will see in later entries. The goal is to get a baseline measurement so that a change can be evaluated …

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The price of safe data - Benchmarking semi synchronous replication

Some time ago I wrote about MySQL 5.5 semi-synchronous replication. Since then, I have wanted to benchmark the overhead of semi-synchronous replication with a decent server. Now the occasion presented itself, thanks to some related business that I had to benchmark, and thus I did a few simple runs with and without semi-synchronous replication enabled, to see the impact of this feature on performance. If you haven't read the article on semi-synchronous replication, the bottom line is that, with this feature enabled, the master waits until at least one slave has acknowledged receipt for the data before returning a positive result to the client. This means that for each commit there are two network calls between master and slave. My gut feeling was that this feature would be costly in terms of query response time, although I was not prepared to …

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Shard-Query turbo charges Infobright community edition (ICE)

Shard-Query is an open source tool kit which helps improve the performance of queries against a MySQL database by distributing the work over multiple machines and/or multiple cores. This is similar to the divide and conquer approach that Hive takes in combination with Hadoop. Shard-Query applies a clever approach to parallelism which allows it to significantly improve the performance of queries by spreading the work over all available compute resources. In this test, Shard-Query averages a nearly 6x (max over 10x) improvement over the baseline, as shown in the following graph:

One significant advantage of Shard-Query over Hive is that it works with existing MySQL data sets and queries. Another advantage is that it works with all MySQL …

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Scaling-out OLTP load on Amazon EC2 revisited.

It's been long known that Galera optimistic replication and enterprise-size databases are a match made in heaven. Today we're going to get a little closer to testing this statement.
We'll have look at how Galera can scale out Sysbench OLTP complex 60 million rows workload in EC2. This is a first proper benchmark for 0.8 series and also the first benchmark of MariaDB/Galera port, so I'll start modest, just to see how it goes. I chose m1.large instances with 7.8Gb of RAM for server nodes and c1.xlarge instance for a client - I don't want the client to be a bottleneck.

For comparison I have also measured performance of a stock standalone MariaDB 5.1.55 server. I used the standard my.cnf that comes with MariaDB Debian package with the following alterations:


Galera nodes also add

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Understanding InnoDB transaction isolation levels

Isolation is an important part of ACID properties that guarantee that transactions are processed in a reliable manner. But there are four different levels of isolation available and you have to understand each one of them to be able to select the correct one for your needs. This post intends on explaining the four levels together with their effects on locking and performance.

Quick benchmarking trick

I have been doing quite a lot of benchmarking recently.
I needed to find a safe way of measuring the time spend by the database doing a long task, like catching up on a huge backlog of accumulated replication updates. The problem with measuring this event is that I can record when it starts, but I can't easily detect when it finishes. My initial approach was to monitor the database and count the tables rows to see when the task was done, but I ended up affecting the task performance with my additional queries. So I thought of another method.
Since I had control on what was sent from the master to the slave, I used the following:
The initial time is calculated as the minimum creation time of the databases that I know are created during the exercise. Let's say that I had 5 databases named from db1 to db5:

set @START = (select min(create_time) from information_schema.tables where table_schema like "db%")

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Benchmarking ORM tools and Object Databases.

“I believe that one should benchmark before making any technology decisions.” An interview with Pieter van Zyl creator of the OO7J benchmark. In August last year, I published an interesting resource in ODBMS.ORG, the dissertation of Pieter van Zyl, from the University of Pretoria:“Performance investigation into selected object persistence stores”. The dissertation presented the OO7J [...]

MySQL Cluster Database 7: Performance Benchmark

(Note that this is a copy of the original article from Hasham Pathan posted on 21st April 2009).

Summary of Results:

We recently conducted a Performance Benchmark of the newly released version of MySQL Cluster database software version 7.0 using the DBT2 Benchmark. The results are very impressive.

Highlight of the results:

  • For 4 Node Cluster, we achieved 251,000 Transactions per minute which is more than 4X improvement over the MySQL Cluster 6.3 release.
  • For 2 Node Cluster, we achieved 143,000 Transactions per minute which is more than 4X improvement over the MySQL Cluster 6.3 release.
  • Whether a user is looking to take advantage of the latest multi-core, multi-thread server processors, or is seeking to reduce space and energy consumption of their Cluster hardware, MySQL Cluster …
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