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Displaying posts with tag: Xtrabackup (reset)
Xtrabackup 1.6.4 for Solaris 10 and 11

If you need Xtrabackup for Solaris 10 and 11 (x64), you can download it from the link on the following page:


Fwiw, we needed this for a server, and it’s not a standard package available for download, so I just wanted to make this available to all.

(Sorry if you’ve read this for a third time, and for the double link – I think the planet mysql feed might reject posts with direct ftp links.)

Hope this helps.

Vote for MySQL[plus] awards 2011 !

First of all, I wish you a happy new year.
Many things happened last year, it was really exciting to be involved in the MySQL ecosystem.
I hope this enthusiasm will be increased this year, up to you !

To start the year, I propose the MySQL[plus] Awards 2011
It will only take 5 minutes to fill out these polls.
Answer with your heart first and then with your experience with some of these tools or services.

Polls will be closed January 31, so, vote now !
For “other” answers, please,  let me a comment with details.

Don’t hesitate to submit proposal for tools or services in the comments.
And, please, share these polls !


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, …

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dbqp and Xtrabackup testing

So I’m back from the Percona dev team’s recent meeting.  While there, we spent a fair bit of time discussing Xtrabackup development.  One of our challenges is that as we add richer features to the tool, we need equivalent testing capabilities.  However, it seems a constant in the MySQL world that available QA tools often leave something to be desired.  The randgen is a literal wonder-tool for database testing, but it is also occasionally frustrating / doesn’t scratch every testing itch.  It is based on technology SQL Server was using in 1998 (MySQL began using it in ~2007, IIRC).  So this is no knock, it is merely meant to be an example of a poor QA engineer’s frustrations ; )  While the current …

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xtrabackup incremental backups

We wanted to optimize and test backups for one of our new large scale setup before we could finalize on the backup plan. Our challenge was the data volume was almost 30x more than our normal volumes. Since this involved large volume of data we thought this might be a good candidate to test incremental backups. We wrote a wrapper script to save the states between full backups and incremental backups and did some tests with smaller data sets. It worked perfectly fine. The version of xtrabackup we were testing was 1.6.2.

The incremental backups were completing well within 30minutes. We set out to test what would happen if the amount of incremental diff was large. While doing this test, we started getting backup failures with the following error

20110726_225312.log-110727 00:56:10 innobackupex: Starting to backup .frm, .MRG, .MYD, .MYI,
20110726_225312.log-innobackupex: …

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How to Run a Streaming Backup with innobackupex

On many of our clients, we have a need to run XtraBackup as a regular OS user. Aside from running into the issue where tar4ibd was not provided with Percona’s xtrabackup-1.6.2.tar.gz package, our main issues have been with permissions when attempting a streaming backup.

I have found the following:

  1. The user needs permissions for a temp directory to stream to/from. The my.cnf of the target database cannot be used because the user does not have permission to write to /tmp/mysql-stdout, so we set a tmpdir in a separate defaults-file.
  2. A backup target directory must be used that the user has read/write permissions to. It seems to me a target directory should not be needed for a streaming backup, …
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xtrabackup bazaar repositories upgraded to 2a format

I have just upgraded the xtrabackup bazaar code repositories to the 2a format. This means that bzr 1.16 is required to access the source code repositories now.

If you get an error like the one below when working with a local branch, you’ll need to run “bzr upgrade” in it (see below for example). For branches on launchpad, you can use the web UI and hit the “upgrade branch” button.

stewart@willster:~/src/percona-xtrabackup$ bzr pull
Using saved parent location: bzr+ssh://
Doing on-the-fly conversion from RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n') to RepositoryFormatKnitPack1().
This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for better performance.
bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/stewart/src/percona-xtrabackup/.bzr/repository/')
is not compatible with …
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Online, non-blocking backup for Drizzle with xtrabackup

With this revision, My xtrabackup branch has been merged into trunk.

What does this mean? It means that we now get a drizzlebackup.innobase binary which is the xtrabackup port for Drizzle. Exciting times.

xtrabackup for Drizzle merge request

Follow it over on launchpad.

After having fixed an incredibly odd compiler warning (and with -Werror that we build with, error) on OSX (die die die) – xtrabackup for Drizzle is ready to be merged. This will bring it into our next milestone: freemont. Over the next few weeks you should see some good tests merged in for backup and restore too.

While not final final, I’m thinking that the installed binary name will be drizzlebackup.innobase. A simple naming scheme for various backup tools that are Drizzle specific. This casually pre-empts a drizzlebackup tool that can co-ordinate all of these (like the innobackupex script).

MySQL data backup: going beyond mysqldump

A user on a linux user group mailing list asked about this, and I was one of the people replying. Re-posting here as I reckon it’s of wider interest.

> [...] tens of gigs of data in MySQL databases. > Some in memory tables, some MyISAM, a fair bit InnoDB. According to my > understanding, when one doesn’t have several hours to take a DB > offline and do dbbackup, there was/is ibbackup from InnoBase.. but now > that MySQL and InnoBase have both been ‘Oracle Enterprised’, said > product is now restricted to MySQL Enterprise customers.. > > Some quick searching has suggested Percona XtraBackup as a potential > FOSS alternative. > What backup techniques do people employ around these parts for backups > of large mixed MySQL data sets where downtime *must* be minimised? > > Has your backup plan ever been put to the test?

You should put it to the test regularly, not just when it’s needed. …

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Drizzle online backup with xtrabackup

For backups, historically in the MySQL world you’ve had mysqldump (a SQL dump, means on restore you have to rebuild indexes), InnoDB Hot Backup (proprietary, but takes a copy of the InnoDB data files, so restore is much quicker), LVM snapshots (various scripts exist, does have larger IO impact, requires LVM) and more recently xtrabackup. Xtrabackup essentially does the same thing as InnoDB hot backup except that it’s free and open source software.

Many people have been using xtrabackup successfully for quite a while now.

In Drizzle7, our default storage engine is InnoDB. There have been a few changes, but it is totally InnoDB. This leaves us with the question of backup solutions. We have drizzledump (the Drizzle equivalent to MySQL dump – although with fewer gotchas), you could always use LVM snapshots and the probability of Oracle releasing InnoDB Hot Backup for Drizzle is rather minimal.

So enter xtrabackup as a …

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