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Displaying posts with tag: innobase (reset)
xtrabackup for Drizzle merge request

Follow it over on launchpad.

After having fixed an incredibly odd compiler warning (and with -Werror that we build with, error) on OSX (die die die) – xtrabackup for Drizzle is ready to be merged. This will bring it into our next milestone: freemont. Over the next few weeks you should see some good tests merged in for backup and restore too.

While not final final, I’m thinking that the installed binary name will be drizzlebackup.innobase. A simple naming scheme for various backup tools that are Drizzle specific. This casually pre-empts a drizzlebackup tool that can co-ordinate all of these (like the innobackupex script).

Drizzle online backup with xtrabackup

For backups, historically in the MySQL world you’ve had mysqldump (a SQL dump, means on restore you have to rebuild indexes), InnoDB Hot Backup (proprietary, but takes a copy of the InnoDB data files, so restore is much quicker), LVM snapshots (various scripts exist, does have larger IO impact, requires LVM) and more recently xtrabackup. Xtrabackup essentially does the same thing as InnoDB hot backup except that it’s free and open source software.

Many people have been using xtrabackup successfully for quite a while now.

In Drizzle7, our default storage engine is InnoDB. There have been a few changes, but it is totally InnoDB. This leaves us with the question of backup solutions. We have drizzledump (the Drizzle equivalent to MySQL dump – although with fewer gotchas), you could always use LVM snapshots and the probability of Oracle releasing InnoDB Hot Backup for Drizzle is rather minimal.

So enter xtrabackup as a …

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Things I’ve done in Drizzle

When writing my Dropping ACID: Eating Data in a Web 2.0 Cloud World talk for LCA2011 I came to the realisation that I had forgotten a lot of the things I had worked on in MySQL and MySQL Cluster. So, as a bit of a retrospective as part of the Drizzle7 GA release, I thought I might try and write down a (incomplete) list of the various things I’ve worked on in Drizzle.

I noticed I did a lot of code removal, that’s all fine and dandy but maybe I won’t list all of that… except perhaps my first branch that was merged :)


  • First ever branch that was merged: some mysys removal (use POSIX functions instead of wrappers that sometimes have different semantics than their POSIX functions), some removal of NETWARE, build scripts that weren’t helpful (i.e. weren’t what any build team ever used to build a release) and some other dead code removal.
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Persistent index statistics for InnoDB

In browsing the BZR tree for lp:mysql-server, I noticed some rather exciting code had been merged into the Innobase code.

You may be aware that InnoDB will do some index dives when opening a table to get some statistics about the indexes that can help the optimiser make good query plans.

The problem being that this is many disk seeks. It means that on server restart, you have to spend a whole bunch of time seeking around the disk reading index pages.

Not any more.

There is now code merged in to store the calculated statistics in a table inside InnoDB so that these index dives don’t have to happen on startup.

Originally, this looked like it was going to make it into InnoDB+. The good news is that it’s now in a public …

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Innobase 1.1.3 in Drizzle

In case you haven’t heard yet, I’ve merged in the latest InnoDB from MySQL 5.5.7 into Drizzle. The innobase plugin is now based on InnoDB 1.1.3.

This gets a lot of bug fixes and improvements from 1.1.2 (and on 1.1.1). Enjoy!

Drizzle gets InnoDB 1.0.9

My branch that updates the innobase plugin in Drizzle to be based on innodb_plugin 1.0.9 has been merged. For the next milestone, we’ll probably have 1.0.11 as well.

How’s the progress getting 1.1 and 1.2 in? Pretty good actually. We’ll have it for either this milestone or the next one.

and merging newer innodb into HailDB? It’s going well too, expect more news “soon”.

Second Drizzle Beta (and InnoDB update)

We just released the latest Drizzle tarball (2010-10-11 milestone). There are a whole bunch of bug fixes, but there are two things that are interesting from a storage engine point of view:

  • The Innobase plugin is now based on innodb_plugin 1.0.6
  • The embedded_innodb engine is now named HailDB and requires HailDB, it can no longer be built with embedded_innodb.

Those of you following Drizzle fairly closely have probably noticed that we’ve lagged behind in InnoDB versions. I’m actively working on fixing that – both for the innobase plugin and for the HailDB library.

If building the HailDB plugin (which is planned to replace the innobase plugin), you’ll need the latest …

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MySQL 5.1 and InnoDB Hot Backup Gotcha

Recently while we were building a slave with a newer version of MySQL 5.1 from an InnoDB Hot backup, the following error occurred when we ran mysql_upgrade:

mysql.time_zone                                    OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
mysql.user                                         OK
Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'...
ERROR 13 (HY000) at line 311: Can't get stat of './mysql/general_log.CSV' (Errcode: 2)
ERROR 13 (HY000) at line 316: Can't get stat of './mysql/slow_log.CSV' (Errcode: 2)
FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed

The problem is that in MySQL 5.1, it is possible to log the slow query log and general log to tables in the mysql schema (source: Selecting General Query and Slow Query Log Output Destinations). These tables are …

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The potential impact of Sun-Oracle on MySQL, and its partners

“We’re both in the transportation business. We have a 747, and they have a Toyota.”

The comparison of Oracle’s database and MySQL, made by Oracle president Charles Phillips at the 2004 Vortex Conference was undoubtedly meant as a criticism, but it so graphically demonstrated the differing business strategies and selling-points of the two products that MySQL executives began citing it themselves.

It is also a comparison that explains how the two products could potentially co-exist within a single company, as they seem likely to do following the announcement that Sun has agreed to be acquired by Oracle.

Much of the MySQL-related coverage of the impending acquisition has focused on the likelihood of Oracle killing-off the …

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Oracle wins 'Acquirer of the Year' award at MySQL Conference

It was a standing room only crowd at the MySQL Conference and Expo this morning in Santa Clara. With more than 2,000 attendees, this is the largest crowd the conference has ever drawn, which is saying something given that most conferences are projecting much lower numbers with the economic downturn. Perhaps open source is counter-cyclical after all and will continue to do well in tough times.

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