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Displaying posts with tag: sysbench (reset)
MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound TPCC

This post is mainly inspired by findings from the previous testing of MySQL 8.0 on TPCC workload(s) and observations from IO-bound Sysbench OLTP on Optane -vs- SSD. But also by several "urban myths" I'm often hearing when discussing with users about their IO-bound OLTP performance problems :
Myth #1 : "if I'll double the number of my storage drives -- I'll get x2 times better TPS !"

  • this was mostly true during "HDD era", and again..
  • (ex.: a single thread app doing single random IO reads from a single HDD will not go faster by doing the same from 2x HDD -- similar like single thread workload will not run faster on 8CPU cores -vs- 2CPU cores, etc.)
  • all depends …
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MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound Sysbench OLTP with Optane -vs- SSD

MySQL Performance on IO-bound workloads is still extremely depending on the underlaying storage layer (thus is directly depending on your Storage Performance).. Indeed, flash storage is definitively changing the game, but even with flash there is, as usual, "flash and flash" -- all storage vendors are improving their stuff constantly, so every time you have something new to discover and to learn ;-)) During all my MySQL 8.0 GA tests I was very pleasantly surprised by IO performance delivered by Intel Optane SSD. However, what the storage device can deliver alone on pure IO tests is not at all the same to what you could observe when it's used by MySQL -- unfortunately, in the past I've observed many cases when with a device claimed to be x2 times faster we were even not observing 10% gain.. But MySQL 8.0 is probably the most best placed MySQL version today to re-visit all this IO-bound story (there are many "under-hood" changes in the code helping to …

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Troubleshooting MySQL Concurrency Issues with Load Testing Tools Webinar: Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the Troubleshooting MySQL Concurrency Issues with Load Testing Tools webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending my May 23, 2018, webinar on troubleshooting tools for MySQL. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I was unable to answer fully during the webinar.

Q: What do you recommend for benchmarking NDB cluster? Which should be used and how?

A: The issue with benchmarking NDB cluster is not the tool choice, …

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Benchmarking InnoDB and MyRocks Performance using Sysbench

We are are an vendor neutral and independent open source database technologies consulting, support and remote DBA services provider with several customers using MySQL GA, MySQL Enterprise, InnoDB/XtraDB, Percona Server, MariaDB, MyRocks and ClickHouse. The customers continue doing business with us for being an technology / vendor agnostic company. We spend considerable amount of time doing research on open source database technologies, Often customers ask us about the performance comparison between InnoDB and MyRocks so we decided to write this post to compare performance between InnoDB (MySQL 8.0) and MyRocks (MariaDB 10.3.7) using Sysbench 1.0.14:

Software Infrastructure we have used for this benchmarking : 

MySQL 8.0 / InnoDB  (no custom tuning done for performance)

[root@localhost sysbench]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) …
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MySQL Performance : 2.1M QPS on 8.0-rc

The first release candidate of MySQL 8.0 is here, and I'm happy to share few performance stories about. This article will be about the "most simple" one -- our in-memory Read-Only performance ;-))
However, the used test workload was here for double reasons :

Going ahead to the second point, the main worry about New Sysbench was about its LUA overhead (the previous version 0.5 was running slower than the old one 0.4 due LUA) -- a long story short, I can confirm now that the New Sysbench is running as fast as the oldest "most lightweight" Sysbench binary I have in use ! so, KUDOS Alex !!! ;-)) …

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Percona Live Europe Featured Talks: Modern sysbench – Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks with Alexey Kopytov

Welcome to another post in our series of interview blogs for the upcoming Percona Live Europe 2017 in Dublin. This series highlights a number of talks that will be at the conference and gives a short preview of what attendees can expect to learn from the presenter.

This blog post is with Alexey Kopytov, sofware developer and maintainer of sysbench. His talk is Modern sysbench: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks. His presentation present new features provided by recent releases and explain how they can be used to create complex benchmark scenarios and collect performance metrics with a simple Lua API. It will also run a live demo of some of …

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sysbench Histograms: A Helpful Feature Often Overlooked

In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to run and use sysbench histograms.

One of the features of sysbench that I often I see overlooked (and rarely used) is its ability to produce detailed query response time histograms in addition to computing percentile numbers. Looking at histograms together with throughput or latency over time provides many additional insights into query performance.

Here is how you get detailed sysbench histograms and performance over time:

sysbench --rand-type=uniform --report-interval=1 --percentile=99 --time=300 --histogram --mysql-password=sbtest oltp_point_select --table_size=400000000 run

There are a few command line options to consider:

  • report-interval=1 – prints out the current performance measurements every second, which helps see if …
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Measuring CPU stall reductions from Dynimize

Duration: 30 min

Level: Intermediate


In this tutorial we are going to install and experiment with Dynimize using MySQL running the Sysbench OLTP benchmark. We also play around with the Linux perf command, top and vmstat. This tutorial assumes that you have MySQL and the Linux perf tool installed, and that there are no other CPU intensive workloads on the system other than those being tested. In order for the Linux perf tool to report CPU event counts, this tutorial should be completed on either a bare metal Linux server, or if using a virtual machine guest then virtual PMU support must be enabled by the hypervisor.

The initial part of this tutorial is meant to illustrate how to determine if there is potential for Dynimize to speedup a mysql (or any other program) workload, by checking to …

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Performance Schema Benchmarks: OLTP RW

In this blog post, we’ll look at Performance Schema benchmarks for OLTP Read/Write workloads.

I am in love with Performance Schema and talk a lot about it. Performance Schema is a revolutionary MySQL troubleshooting instrument, but earlier versions had performance issues. Many of these issues are fixed now, and the default options work quickly and …

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Millions of Queries per Second: PostgreSQL and MySQL’s Peaceful Battle at Today’s Demanding Workloads

This blog compares how PostgreSQL and MySQL handle millions of queries per second.

Anastasia: Can open source databases cope with millions of queries per second? Many open source advocates would answer “yes.” However, assertions aren’t enough for well-grounded proof. That’s why in this blog post, we share the benchmark testing results from Alexander Korotkov (CEO of Development, Postgres Professional) and Sveta Smirnova (Principal Technical Services Engineer, Percona). The comparative research of PostgreSQL 9.6 and MySQL 5.7 performance will be especially valuable for environments with multiple databases.

The idea behind this research is to provide an honest comparison for the two popular RDBMSs. Sveta and Alexander wanted to test the most recent versions of both MySQL and PostgreSQL with the same tool, under the same challenging …

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