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Displaying posts with tag: Dynimize (reset)
Measuring the Impact of Dynimize on Your MySQL Workload

While it's easier to measure the impact of Dynimize if you are running a MySQL benchmark with clear metrics, it can sometimes be a challenge on a production workload where you don't have precise performance analytics or metrics available. There are many great MySQL performance analysis tools out there, however they can often take time and effort to setup.

The simple measureDyniMysql script was created for this exact reason, and does not incur any MySQL downtime. You can find it at /opt/dynimize/measureDyniMysql after installing Dynimize. It will report the change in MySQL queries per second and mysqld CPU usage after applying Dynimize. Here is how to use it.

1. Install and start dynimize, and get your mysqld process into the dynimized state. For example, the …

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MySQL + Dynimize: 3.6 Million Queries per Second on a Single VM

In this post I describe the various steps that allowed me to reach 3.6 million queries per second on a single VM instance using MySQL 8.0 with the help of Dynimize.

It's not every day that you get to break a record. So when I discovered that you can now rent by the hour massive instances within Google Compute Cloud that support 224 virtual cores based on AMD EPYC 2 Rome processors, I had to jump at the opportunity to see what kind low hanging fruit might be out there. Low and behold I found it! Oracle's performance record for MySQL on a single server stands at 2.1M QPS without using Unix sockets, and 2.25M QPS with Unix sockets. Seeing that they published this 3 years ago on Broadwell based …

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Measuring CPU stall reductions from Dynimize

Duration: 30 min

Level: Intermediate


In this tutorial we are going to install and experiment with Dynimize using MySQL running the Sysbench OLTP benchmark. We also play around with the Linux perf command, top and vmstat. This tutorial assumes that you have MySQL and the Linux perf tool installed, and that there are no other CPU intensive workloads on the system other than those being tested. In order for the Linux perf tool to report CPU event counts, this tutorial should be completed on either a bare metal Linux server, or if using a virtual machine guest then virtual PMU support must be enabled by the hypervisor.

The initial part of this tutorial is meant to illustrate how to determine if there is potential for Dynimize to speedup a mysql (or any other program) workload, by checking to …

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