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Displaying posts with tag: mysqlslap (reset)
Troubleshooting MySQL Concurrency Issues with Load Testing Tools Webinar: Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the Troubleshooting MySQL Concurrency Issues with Load Testing Tools webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending my May 23, 2018, webinar on troubleshooting tools for MySQL. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I was unable to answer fully during the webinar.

Q: What do you recommend for benchmarking NDB cluster? Which should be used and how?

A: The issue with benchmarking NDB cluster is not the tool choice, but …

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MySQL Benchmark with mysqlslap

So benchmarking different MySQL queries against your database is a wise thing to do. That should go without saying. While we optimize queries the best we can using EXPLAIN (and EXPLAIN EXTENDED)  taking them time to benchmark them should prove helpful.

This is a simple example of executing a mysqlslap statement.

For this example I loaded the WORLD database from MySQL. ( )

I created a query that joined all three tables  and put it into /tmp/tests.sql. The explain plan is below.

root@localhost [world]> EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT C.Name as City, Y.Name as Country, L.Language,Y.Population FROM City C INNER JOIN Country Y ON C.CountryCode = Y.Code INNER JOIN CountryLanguage L ON C.CountryCode = L.CountryCode WHERE C.Name LIKE 'D%' AND Y.Continent='Europe' \G

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Avoid locks when storing counters in MySQL

A common problem with storing counters in a table is that every time your application update your counter, a row lock needs to be set on the row the table. If your application has a need for storing counters you can use this package which contains the scripts for a table and some stored procedures to handle managing the counters.

mysqlslap – to check client load in MySQL 5.1

mysqlslap is native mysql utility to check client load in MySQL server. It’s introduced in MySQl 5.1. It seems very useful as it has lots of options to check load of your server by running different kind of queries with specific iterations, specific concurrency. Output will give you how much max/min/avg  time has been taken … Continue Reading

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7 Ways to Troubleshoot MySQL

MySQL databases are great work horses of the internet.  They back tons of modern websites, from blogs and checkout carts, to huge sites like Facebook.  But these technologies don't run themselves.  When you're faced with a system that is slowing down, you'll need the right tools to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem.  MySQL has a huge community following and that means scores of great tools for your toolbox. Here are 7 ways to troubleshoot MySQL.

1. Use innotop

Innotop is a great tool for MySQL which despite the name monitors MySQL generally as well as InnoDB usage.  It's fairly easy to install, just download the perl script. Be sure to include a [client] section to your local users .my.cnf file (you have one don't you?).  Inside that section, place one line with "user=xyz" and one line with "password=abc".

If you're concerned that installing something new is too …

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DBJ: MySQL Benchmarking

Benchmarking is liking running your system through it’s paces.  You don’t know how fast your software and hardware are until you’ve put some pressure on them.  Benchmarking tools allow you to do just that.  We use sysbench to look at the operating system and mysqlslap to run queries in the MySQL database.

Database Journal – MySQL Server Benchmarking 101

mysqlslap howto

I noticed that people were hitting the site for information on how to run mysqlslap.To help out those searchers, here is a quick mysqlslap howtoMake sure you have mysql 5.1.4 or higher. Download MySQL from the MySQL websiteMake sure your MySQL database is running.Run mysqlslap, using progressively more concurrent threads: mysqlslap --concurrency=1,25,50,100 --iterations=10 --number-int-cols=2 \-

mysqlslap howto

I noticed that people were hitting the site for information on how to run mysqlslap. To help out those searchers, here is a quick mysqlslap howto Make sure you have mysql 5.1.4 or higher. Download MySQL from the MySQL website … Continue reading →

Gentlemen, Slap your Engines!

Once again, I was unable to attend all of the sessions I wanted to at this year's User Converence, but I was happy to make it to Bob Burgess' talk on bash scripting with mysql. The slides and examples aren't up yet, but when they are (which may be as you read this, check the last link), they would probably also be a great tutorial.

So, I got bore^D^D^D^D inspired later that day to put some of the practices into use, and worked up a script to run mysqlslap in various ways against a server, and then added a couple funcitons to try it out on each storage engine. The script is below in its entirety - bash scripters, please be kind in your comments. No, I didn't write all this just for the pun in the …

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Gentlemen, Slap your Engines!

Once again, I was unable to attend all of the sessions I wanted to at this year's User Converence, but I was happy to make it to Bob Burgess' talk on bash scripting with mysql. The slides and examples aren't up yet, but when they are (which may be as you read this, check the last link), they would probably also be a great tutorial.

So, I got bore\^D\^D\^D\^D inspired later that day to put some of the practices into use, and worked up a script to run mysqlslap in various ways against a server, and then added a couple funcitons to try it out on each storage engine. The script is below in its entirety - bash scripters, please be kind in your comments. No, I didn't write all this just for the pun in the …

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