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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
Your SQL IS NOT JavaScript (neither PHP)

IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, truthiness among other assertions on MySQL and PostgreSQL

People like to complain about JavaScript, how can one thing be equal to the other, i.e. null == undefined evaluates to true unless you use the triple equals ===. Other dynamic typed languages have its peculiarities, such as Ruby where 0 == true evaluates to true, the reason for Ruby is that considers 0 as a value and any value evaluates to true.

How about SQL? The answer is… it depends.

Which database are you using?

Some may be more forgiving, like MySQL doing casts for you all over the place, or more strict like PostgreSQL where you can only compare the truthiness of something of the same type.

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How to Install LEMP on Ubuntu 18.04

The LEMP stack is a web development platform for hosting static and dynamic websites. It is a combination of free ...

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The post How to Install LEMP on Ubuntu 18.04 appeared first on RoseHosting.

Why I Started Part-Time Freelancing Again On Upwork

I stopped freelancing on upwork in 2011. I used to be a part-time freelancer on upwork (previously known as oDesk) from 2008 to 2011 besides my full-time job. Since 2011, I have been developing my own Indie mobile apps which is a great success for me and in my career.

I am still earning very good passive income from my own portfolio apps, today I will discuss why I have started freelancing again.

1. Indie Developing

There is a saying:

If you walk alone you can go faster
If you walk in group you can go further

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How To Upload File in Laravel 5.7 Using MySQL

This tutorial help to upload files using Laravel 5.7.We will create html form view that upload file into server and save path information into MySQL table. We will use MySQL and php 7 to create file upload functionality. File Upload Using Laravel 5.7 and Mysql Lets create new laravel application using laravel CLI. The Artisan […]

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The Symfony Demo Application and MySQL 8

The Symfony Frame work is very popular with PHP developers and it has a very nice Demo Application to help novices learn the intricacies involved. But the demo does not use MySQL. So this blog entry is about re configuring the demo so it works with MySQL 8. And I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to you may have to adjust the following commands to work with your operating system.

This is not difficult but there are some steps that are not exactly self evident that this blog will show you how to get the demo working.  

The first thing to do is to make sure you have PHP 7.2 or better installed including the php7.2-intl (sudo apt-get install php7.2-intl) package as well as the PDO connector. I will admit I have been using PHP since it appeared and this …

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Updated: Doctrine and MySQL 8 - An Odd Connection Refused Error

I am currently working my way through the many PHP Frameworks to see how they get on with MySQL 8.  The Frameworks that can take advantage of the MySQL Improved Extension or mysqli can take advantage of the SHA256 Caching Authentication method. But those that are PDO based need to use the older MySQL Native Authentication method.

I wanted to check the PDO based frameworks and today I just happened to be wearing the very nice Symfony shirt I received as part of my presentation at Symfony USA.  So I started with a fresh install of Symfony.  All was going well until it came time to get it to work with MySQL 8 through Doctrine.

Symfony uses Doctrine as an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and DBAL  (Database Abstraction Layer) as an intermediary to the database.  While I myself am not a big fan of ORMs …

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MySQL 5.7.* and mysqli

After installing MySQL 5.7.22 and PHP 7.1.17 on Fedora 27, you need to install the mysqli library. You need to verify if the mysqli library is installed. You can do that with the following mysqli_check.php program:

Check mysqli Install<?php if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    print 'mysqli not installed.'; }
  else {
    print 'mysqli installed.'; }

You test preceding PHP program with the following URL in a browser:


If the mysqli program isn’t installed, you can install it as follows by opening the yum interactive shell:

[root@localhost html]# yum shell
Last metadata expiration check: 1:26:46 ago on Wed 22 Aug 2018 08:05:50 PM MDT.
> remove php-mysql
No match for argument: php-mysql
Error: No packages marked for removal.
> install php-mysqlnd
> run …
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PHP 7.2.8 & MySQL 8.0

A good news for all PHP CMS users like Drupal and Joomla!, PHP 7.2.8 (available on Remi’s repo for those using rpms) supports the new MySQL 8.0 default authentication plugincaching_sha2_password‘ !

So, I’ve installed PHP 7.2.8:

And I’ve my user (here joomla) uses the …

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Building the PHP MySQL XDevAPI PECL Extension on MySQL 8.0.11 and PHP 7.2 for the MySQL Document Store

The MySQL Document Store is a NoSQL JSON document store built upon well known MySQL database technology.  PHP runs about eight percent of the Internet.  So putting the two together is a big priority for me. So this blog post is about getting all this together on a Ubuntu 18.04 system.

Note that I will be teaching PHP and the X DevAPI at Oracle Code One and hopefully in some tutorials/workshops this year.  These session will feature the X DevAPI installed on Virtual Box images and I probably will not have time to cover these steps in detail but I will point to this as reference material.

PHP 7.2 PHP's performance has really skyrocketed with the seven series and the newer betas are looking very impressive.  But to use the new X Devapi you will need to get the shared object for it into your PHP server. 

The MySQL X DevAPI PECL Extension

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Introducing the MySQL X DevAPI PHP Extension for MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 is now finally GA, bringing into play the powerful Document Store set of feature along with Connectors for many of the most popular languages! Also PHP is coming with it’s own extension designed to support all of the new exciting feature coming with this latest MySQL milestone.

The complete web documentation for the MySQL X DevAPI Extension for PHP is available here.

About Document Store.

The X DevAPI for PHP is an extension which allows the user to access MySQL with installed the X Plugin as a document store via the X DevAPI and the related underlying protocol.

A …

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