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Displaying posts with tag: phpMyAdmin (reset)
MySQL Table DDL file with phpMyAdmin

If you need a structure only .sql file of a MySQL tables’ Data Definition Language (DDL), phpMyAdmin makes this super-easy with just a few clicks. Continue reading and learn how…


If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!

Why use a DDL file?

Why would you need a structure-only .sql DDL file anyway?

Maybe you want to build out a tables’ structure on another server to bring in different data or something comparable, and want it void of any existing data.

Rather than creating the …

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PHP technical writing compilation

Having spent the majority of this year programming a custom reporting dashboard for my employer written in PHP and MySQL, it is an understatement to say that I have learned a lot. Nothing beats real-world experience and I really have come into my own with PHP, learning more and more daily as I continue progressing forward on my goal of becoming a Back-End Web Developer. I have written several PHP-related posts this year and wanted to provide them all in one easy-to-access list. Enjoy!

Image by Aleksey Nemiro from …

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Use MySQL UNIQUE Constraint in phpMyAdmin

The MySQL UNIQUE constraint is often used in a column definition in which we need each value for that column to be distinct from the others. Perhaps it is an email column for an on-line registration form and we want to ensure that users cannot register twice for an account using the same email. Whatever the case may be, UNIQUE is there to help us ensure this type of data integrity or business requirement. What if the target table already exists and you determine you need to add a UNIQUE constraint to an existing column? In this post, I will cover 2 ways you can implement a UNIQUE constraint on existing columns using the phpMyAdmin web interface…

Photo by Kaleidico on …

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MySQL DROP statement using phpMyAdmin

The MySQL DROP statement is one of many powerful DDL commands. Be it ALTER TABLE some_table DROP some_column or DROP some_table, this type of command can drastically change your data landscape because in executing MySQL DROP, you are completely removing objects from the database! If you are using the phpMyAdmin web interface, you can execute the MySQL DROP statement with just a few mouse clicks. Continue reading to see how…

Drops of water.


If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!

Note: The …

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MySQL 5.7.* and mysqli

After installing MySQL 5.7.22 and PHP 7.1.17 on Fedora 27, you need to install the mysqli library. You need to verify if the mysqli library is installed. You can do that with the following mysqli_check.php program:

Check mysqli Install<?php if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    print 'mysqli not installed.'; }
  else {
    print 'mysqli installed.'; }

You test preceding PHP program with the following URL in a browser:


If the mysqli program isn’t installed, you can install it as follows by opening the yum interactive shell:

[root@localhost html]# yum shell
Last metadata expiration check: 1:26:46 ago on Wed 22 Aug 2018 08:05:50 PM MDT.
> remove php-mysql
No match for argument: php-mysql
Error: No packages marked for removal.
> install php-mysqlnd
> run …
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Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04

phpMyAdmin is the most popular and most widely used web-based database management tools. It a free and open source PHP application, that allows the users to manage single or multiple SQL database servers, locally or on a remote server using a web browser with easy to use graphic user interface. Today, we are going to […]

Solution for: MySQL 5.6 password expired, PHP can’t connect, application stops

MySQL 5.6 introduces a new features that must be used with great care. A MySQL users password can be marked as expired. This way, a DBA can force a user to set or reset his password. The MySQL user must set a (new) password before he is allowed to do anything else. As a consequence, if a users password is expired all standard PHP MySQL API connect calls will fail. Applications stop working unless the application is changed to include a user dialog for setting a new password. To develop such a dialog for resetting an expired password one has to use a new connection flag introduced in PHP 5.4.12-dev. Don’t panic: to get in trouble DBA actions have to be at one level with dropping the MySQL user of a production PHP application…

Relax: IF MySQL 5.6 AND IF …AND IF …

You are being warned in time about a pitfall that DBAs may tap into in the …

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PHPMyAdmin Designer View

This week I've been using phpMyAdmin for what feels like the first time in years. I'm happier at the command line, but needed some graphical representation of information and easy ways to export example queries for the book I'm working on. I noticed that phpMyAdmin now has a Designer tab, which shows relationships between tables and allows you to define them.

If your table types don't support foreign keys, you can still draw links in here, and phpMyAdmin will show the id fields as links to the data they represent, which is quite a nice touch (MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys). If your database does support foreign keys, then I found this post which explained that you must have an index on the column that will …

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Do you use PHPMyAdmin?

If so then were is it installed on your publicly accessible website. If the location is where the documentation states not to put it, or in other popular locations then you can easily become open to an attack. The following are apache logs of a simple hacker test to find a potential security hole on a new IP public address for a client.

My advice is never have PHPMyAdmin accessible by default. You should use HTTP authentication, firewall rules and additional security practices all to protect any level of access to your data. - - [02/Feb/2011:05:29:24 -0500] "GET //phpmyadmin/ HTTP/1.1" 401 290 "-" "Made by ZmEu @ WhiteHat Team -" - - [02/Feb/2011:05:29:24 -0500] "GET //phpMyAdmin/ HTTP/1.1" 401 290 "-" "Made by ZmEu @ WhiteHat Team -" - - [02/Feb/2011:05:29:24 -0500] "GET //pma/ HTTP/1.1" 401 290 "-" "Made by ZmEu @ WhiteHat Team -" - - …
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State of phpMyAdmin – FOSDEM 2010

Following the opening keynote “Dolphins, now and beyond”, Marc Delisle presented on “State of phpMyAdmin”.

phpMyAdmin is an DBA administration tool for MySQL available today in 57 different languages. This is found today in many distributions, LAMP stack products and also in cpanel. The product is found at

There are current two versions, the legacy 2.x version to support older php 3.x & 4.x, The current version 3.x is for PHP 5.2 or greater.

The current UI includes some new features including.

  • calendar input for date fields
  • meta data for mime types e.g images, which is great for showing the output as an image, otherwise blob data
  • Relational designer with the able to show and create foreign keys …
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