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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
Using OCI to install WordPress and MySQL 8.0

Today we will see how to install WordPress in Oracle Cloud (OCI).

We will use Oracle Cloud’s Free Trier and deploy 2 compute instances:

  • the webserver (apache, PHP and WordPress)
  • the database server (MySQL 8.0)

We will use one public IP to reach our site and our two servers will communicate using their own private network:

Deploying 2 compute instances

Let’s start by creating 2 compute instances:

We will use the Oracle Linux 7.7 on Micro Instances:

As I am in Belgium, I use the Frankfurt datacenter.

When our instances are deployed, we can find the public IP of one of them. This is the one we will use as webserver (you can free the public IP on the other one, the MySQL one):

At the creation, we entered a ssh key to access …

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MySQL 8.0 & PHP on RedHat, CentOS and Fedora

As you could read in this previous post, PHP 7.4 is now completely supporting MySQL 8.0 and the new default authentication plugin.

I wanted to make a summary table providing and overview of all PHP versions and how they supported MySQL 8.0 and the different authentication plugins.

As I am a RPM based distribution user, I’m using the famous repository of remi since a lot of years, and I use it then also to install PHP 7.4.0 and 7.4.1

I created a new user to test to …

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MySQL 8.0 & PHP

See some update at the end: 23 Dec 2019

MySQL and PHP is a love story that started long time ago. However the love story with MySQL 8.0 was a bit slower to start… but don’t worry it rules now !

The support of MySQL 8.0’s new default authentication method in PHP took some time and was added in PHP 7.2.8 but removed in PHP 7.2.11.

Now it’s fully supported in PHP 7.4 !

If you have installed PHP 7.4, you can see that the new plugin auth_plugin_caching_sha2_passwordis now available:

# php -i | grep "Loaded plugins\|PHP Version " | tail -n2
PHP Warning:  Module 'mysql_xdevapi' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Version => 7.4.0
Loaded plugins => mysqlnd,debug_trace,auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, …
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How to Install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Debian 9

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LAMP Stack on a Debian 9 VPS. A LAMP (Linux, ...

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The post How to Install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Debian 9 appeared first on RoseHosting.

mysqli Strict Standards

Six years ago I wrote a common lookup post to illustrate the effectiveness of things used throughout your applications. Now, I’m updating my student image with a more complete solution to show how to avoid update anomalies.

In the prior post, I used a while loop in PHP, like the following:

do {
} while($stmt->next_result());

Using PHP Version 7.3.8 and MySQL 8.0.16, that now raises the following error message:

Strict Standards: mysqli_stmt::next_result(): There is no next result set. Please, call mysqli_stmt_more_results()/mysqli_stmt::more_results() to check whether to call this function/method in /var/www/html/app/ on line 81

You can see this type of error when you set the following parameters in your file during testing:

ini_set('display_errors',1); …
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MySQL Update in mysqli

Somebody didn’t like the MySQLi Update Query example on the website because it use the procedure mysqli_query style. Here’s a simple example of using the object-oriented method version. More or less, instead of query it uses the more intuitive execute() method.

The update_member function contains the logic and below it is a call to the test the function. It relies on a file that contains the hostname, user name, password, and database name. You can create create member table, like my example in MySQL 8, or any other table in your MySQL database.

<?php /*
||  Function Name: update_member
function update_member($account_number, $member_type, …
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Apache on Fedora 30

There was an option during the Fedora 30 Workstation installation to add the Apache Web Server, but you need to set it to start automatically. Unfortunately, there was no option to install PHP, which I thought odd because of how many web developers learn the trade first on PHP with a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python) stack. You see how to fix that shortcoming in this post and how to install and test PHP, mysqli, and pdo to support MySQL 8.

Before you do that make sure you install MySQL 8. You can find my prior blog post on that here.

You set Apache to start automatically, on the next boot of the operating system, with the following command:

chkconfig httpd on

It creates a symbolic link:

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → …
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MySQL 8.0.17 and Drupal 8.7

From Drupal’s website, we can see that now the support of MySQL 8 is ready.

I just tested it and it works great !

The only restriction is related to PHP and the support for the new authentication method in php-mysqlnd.

In this previous post, I was happy because it was included in PHP 7.2.8, but this has been reverted back since then. Currently none of the latest version of PHP 7.x is supporting this authentication method.

We can easily verify this, first with the PHP version provided by default in Oracle Linux 8:

# php -i | grep "Loaded plugins\|PHP Version " | tail -n2
PHP Version => 7.2.11
Loaded plugins => mysqlnd,debug_trace,auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, …
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Laravel CRUD Example with jQuery Datatable

This laravel tutorial help to add CRUD operation with datatable, I will just share laravel code to create new record, edit record and delete record. I have already shared How To Use jQuery Datatable With Laravel.We have integrated jQuery datatable with laravel. We will cover following functionality in this laravel tutorial : Create record Template […]

The post Laravel CRUD Example with jQuery Datatable appeared first on

MySQL and PHP Basics Part I

I have had some requests to write some blogs on the basics of using PHP and MySQL together.  This will not be a series for the experienced as it will start at a level where I will go into a lot of details but expect very few prerequisites from the reader.  If this is not you, please move on. If it is you and you read something you do not understand, please contact me to show me where I assumed too much.

PHP and MySQL are both in their mid twenties and both vital in the worlds of developers.  With the big improvements in PHP 7 and MySQL 8, I have found a lot of developers flocking to both but stymied by the examples they see as their are many details not explained. So let's get to the explaining!
1. Use the latest software
If you are not using PHP 7.2 or 7.3 (or maybe 7.1) then you are missing out in features and performance.  The PHP 5.x series is deprecated, no longer support, and …

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