Last time I shared a video that is an introduction to Using MySQL without the SQL. This
time I am adding two more videos -- one on Document Collections and another on simple indexes. The MySQL Document Store
is a simple, easy to use way to for developers to store data
without much of the traditional pre-requisite chores needed with
a relational database.
You simple connect to the MySQL instance using the new MySQL Shell to the schema of your choice,
create a document collection, and can start saving data right …
I am writing a tutorial on the MySQL Document Store for the sold
out (sorry) pre-FOSDEM MySQL days. For those who do not
write such exercise they are often a difficult task as you have a
limited time to convey information, need to provide vivid
examples, and create exercises that give a good idea of what the
topic is all about. And my personal preference is to write
once and use the tutorial at other events (please let me know
if you have such an event).
Indexing records is a well know performance step when creating
databases, SQL or NoSQL. And back in June of 2017 I wrote a
blog post on using createIndex() to index documents in the
MySQL Document Store. And as part of creating the tutorial I
referred to that blog post as a reference and was quite surprised
that it was not working.
What happened? Well back in 8.0.11 the function was revised and
it is no longer a series of chained calls but …
Por si no se hubiera visto o promocionado lo suficiente, quería compartir la lista de webcasts en Español que ya hay disponible en On Demand webinars en el apartado de News & Events en
Sobre 1 hora de duración cada una, aquí tenéis algunos ejemplos:
MySQL InnoDB Cluster: Una introducción y Demo
MySQL, NoSQL, JSON, JS, Python: Document Store. (+demo)
[Read more]
JSON has proven to be a very import data format with immense
popularity. A good part of my time for the last two or so years
has been dedicated to this area and I even wrote a book on the subject. This is a
comparison of the implementations of handling JSON data in MySQL
and MariaDB. I had requests from the community and customers for
this evaluation.
JSON Data Types Are Not All Equal
MySQL added a JSON data type in version 5.7 and it has proven to
be very popular. MariaDB has JSON
support version 10.0.16 but is actually an alias to a
longtext data type so that statement based replication
from MySQL to MariaDB is possible.
MySQL stores JSON documents are …
With new MySQL Shell 8.0.13 comes a new way to quickly load JSON
data sets very quickly. In a past blog and in several talks
I have shown how to use the shell with the Python mode to pull in
the data. But now there is a much faster way to load
Load JSON Quickly Start a copy of the new shell with
mysqlsh. Connect to your favorite server \c
dave@localhost and then create a new schema
session.createSchema('bulk'). Then point you session to
the schema just created with \use bulk. Version
8.0.13 has a new utility function named importJson that does the
work. The first argument is the path to the data set (here
the MongoDB restaurant collection) and the second allows you to
designate the schema and collection where you wish to have the
data stored. In this example the data set was in the
downloads directory of my laptop and I wanted to put it in the
newly created 'bulk' schema …
Someone once told me you can tell how healthy a software project
is by the number of new books each year. For
the past few years the MySQL community has been blessed with one
or two books each year. Part of that was the major shift with
MySQL 8 changes but part of it was that the vast majority of the
changes were fairly minor and did not need detailed explanations.
But this year we have been blessed with four new
books. Four very good books on new facets of MySQL.
Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store is the
latest book from Dr. Charles Bell on MySQL. If you have
read any other of Dr. Chuck's book you know they are well written
with lots of examples. This is more than a simple
introduction with many intermediate and advanced concepts covered
in detail.
… |
The MySQL Document Store is a NoSQL JSON document store built
upon well known MySQL database technology. PHP runs about
eight percent of the Internet. So putting the two together
is a big priority for me. So this blog post is about getting all
this together on a Ubuntu 18.04 system.
Note that I will be teaching PHP and the X DevAPI at Oracle Code
One and hopefully in some tutorials/workshops this year.
These session will feature the X DevAPI installed on Virtual Box
images and I probably will not have time to cover these steps in
detail but I will point to this as reference material.
PHP 7.2 PHP's performance has really skyrocketed with the
seven series and the newer betas are looking very
impressive. But to use the new X Devapi you will need to
get the shared object for it into your PHP server.
The MySQL X DevAPI PECL Extension
This time we will look at the differences in updating records
between MongoDB and the MySQL Document Store. Syntactically
they are pretty different. I am still following the
Getting Started With MongoDB article for
example queries.
Updating Records
In Mongo we update thusly:
> db.restaurants.update(
... { "name" : "Juni" },
... {
... $set: { "cuisine" : "American (new)" },
... $currentDate: { "lastModified" : true }
... }
... )
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1
The same update in the MySQL Document Store can be a lot
different. We could update using SQL or NoSQL. I
would like to update the document with the change to the cuisine
and …
Last time I was stumped by the MongoDB $gt:
operator. I wanted to look for restaurants in a certain
Manhattan burough OR in a zipcode greater than a certain
zipcode. Well, I was getting different results between
Mongo and MySQL.
To > or Not To >, That Is the Query
Lets say we have three records with the same key but the values
are 1, 2, and "3". Yup, you got it two numerics and one
string. I would expect schema less data to be free flowing,
not typed, and pretty much a free for all. Whoops. Bad
assumption on my part for Mongo use.
I added three JSON documents into Mongo as can be seen
Our three documents with the values of 1, 2, & … |
Both MongoDB and the MySQL Document Store are JSON document
stores. The syntax differences in the two products are very
interesting. This long will be a comparison of how commands
differ between these two products and may evolve into a 'cheat
sheet' if there is demand.
I found an excellent Mongo tutorial Getting Started With MongoDB that I use as a
framework to explore these two JSON document stores.
The DataI am using the primer-dataset.json file that
MongoDB has been using for years in their documentation,
classes, and examples. MySQL has created the world_x data
set based on the world database used for years in
documentation, classes and examples. The data set is a
collection of JSON documents filled with restaurants around