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Displaying posts with tag: createIndex (reset)
Indexing the MySQL Document Store

I am writing a tutorial on the MySQL Document Store for the sold out (sorry) pre-FOSDEM MySQL days.  For those who do not write such exercise they are often a difficult task as you have a limited time to convey information, need to provide vivid examples, and create exercises that give a good idea of what the topic is all about.  And my personal preference is to write once and use the tutorial at other events (please let me know if you have such an event).

Indexing records is a well know performance step when creating databases, SQL or NoSQL.  And back in June of 2017 I wrote a blog post on using createIndex() to index documents in the MySQL Document Store. And as part of creating the tutorial I referred to that blog post as a reference and was quite surprised that it was not working.

What happened? Well back in 8.0.11 the function was revised and it is no longer a series of chained calls but …

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