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Displaying posts with tag: mongo vs MySQL (reset)
MongoDB versus MySQL Document Store Command Comparisons III

This time we will look at the differences in updating records between MongoDB and the MySQL Document Store.  Syntactically they are pretty different.  I am still following the Getting Started With MongoDB article for example queries.

Updating Records
In Mongo we update thusly:
> db.restaurants.update(
... { "name" : "Juni" },
... {
...  $set: { "cuisine" : "American (new)" },
...  $currentDate: { "lastModified" : true }
... }
... )
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })

The same update in the MySQL Document Store can be a lot different.  We could update using SQL or NoSQL.  I would like to update the document with the change to the cuisine and …

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MonoDB versus MySQL Document Store Command Comparisons II

Last time I was stumped by the MongoDB $gt: operator.  I wanted to look for restaurants in a certain Manhattan burough OR in a zipcode greater than a certain zipcode.  Well, I was getting different results between Mongo and MySQL.

To > or Not To >, That Is the Query
Lets say we have three records with the same key but the values are 1, 2, and "3". Yup, you got it two numerics and one string.  I would expect schema less data to be free flowing, not typed, and pretty much a free for all.  Whoops. Bad assumption on my part for Mongo use.

I added three JSON documents into Mongo as can be seen below:

Our three documents with the values of 1, 2, …
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