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Displaying posts with tag: mysql document store (reset)
More Porting Data from MongoDB to the MySQL Document Store

Last time we looked at moving a JSON data set from MongoDB to the MySQL Document Store.  Let's move another and then see how to investigate this date.  We will use the primer-dataset.json that contains data on restaurants around New York City.

Loading Data
The loading of the JSON data set was covered last time but here is the gist. The first step is to fire up the MySQL Shell and login to the server.

Here a new schema is created and then a new collection

 We need a new schema for this data and the example shows one created as nyeats.  The within that new schema a collection is created with the name restaurants.

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Porting Data From MongoDB to MySQL Document Store in TWO Easy Steps

Porting data from MongoDB to the MySQL Document Store is very easy.  The example I will use is an example data set from the good folks at Mongo named zips.json that contains a list of US Postal Codes and can be found at for your downloading pleasure.

I copied the file into the Downloads directory on my Unbuntu laptop and then fired up the new MySQL Shell.  After login, I created a new schema creatively named zips with session.createSchema('zips').  When then set the db object to this new schema with the command \use zips.

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MySQL Document Store Document IDs.

Yesterday I was presenting on the MySQL Document Store and was asked if the _id fields created by the server as an InnoDB primary key is a UUID.  I knew that it was not a UUID but I had to hit the documentations ( to find out what the document ID really is -- a very interesting piece of information.
The Details If you are inserting a document lacking a _id key, the server generates a value. The _id is 32 bits of a unique prefix (4 bytes), a time stamp (8 bytes), and serial number (16 bytes). The prefix is assigned by the InnoDB Cluster to help ensure uniqueness across a cluster. The timestamp is the encoded startup time of the server.  The serial numbers uses the auto increment offset and auto increment increment server variables .  From the manual page:
This document ID format ensures …

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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Giuseppe Maxia — MySQL Document Store: SQL and NoSQL United

Welcome to a new series of blogs: Percona Live featured tutorial speakers! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Giuseppe Maxia, Quality Assurance Architect at VMware. His tutorial is on MySQL Document Store: SQL and NoSQL United. MySQL 5.7 introduced document store, which allows asynchronous operations …

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MySQL Document Store versus Bug hunter

Oh, there is a cool new feature added? And you are going to implement and use it?
Well, the brain of Bug lover is not working in that way, for me new feature is cool in terms of playing. It is a new place where hunt season is opened suddenly

Currently I am in Percona Live 2016 and you can catch me every time -> my name is some sort of pain to pronounce but you can just say Shako instead of Shahriyar.

Yesterday there was an interesting discussion about bug reports and in general what is a “Bug” and how i can identify that if it is a Bug or not?
Here are general rules:

1. Trust in yourself. If somebody says that, hey it is an expected behaviour, just do not believe. Go ahead and fill a report. Insist in your opinion at last it will be converted to DOC issue, pretty valid DOC Bug -> …

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