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Displaying posts with tag: metadata (reset)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are case sensitive

I wanted to get examples of some of the extra information that the Percona server has in its INFORMATION_SCHEMA metadata, and in doing so, I stumbled across an interesting MySQL bug/feature/point — INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables (which are actually system views) are case sensitive when used in comparisons:

mysql> use information_schema;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql>  select @@version;
| @@version          |
| 5.1.36-xtradb6-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use information_schema;
Database changed
mysql> show tables like 'innodb%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql>  show tables like 'INNODB%';
| Tables_in_information_schema (INNODB%) |
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Log Buffer #150

This is the 150th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Someone accidentally left Dave Edwards‘ cage unlocked, and he escaped, thus leaving me with the pleasurable duty of compiling the 150th weekly Log Buffer.

Many people other than Dave are finding release this week. Giuseppe Maxia explains some details of MySQL’s New Release Model. Andrew Morgan announces a New MySQL Cluster Maintenance Release. Aleksandr Kuzminsky of the MySQL Performance …

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New in MySQL 5.1: Sheeri’s Presentation

In a nutshell: What’s New in MySQL 5.1.

Release notes: Changes in release 5.1.x (Production).

And yes, very early on (at about two minutes in), I talk about my take on Monty’s controversial post at Oops, we did it again.

To play the video directly, go to To download the 146 Mb video to your computer for offline playback, go to The slides …

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Using Plugins in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Plugins. It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Plugins in MySQL™ 5.1

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at


  • Introduction
  • Plugins Metadata
  • Retrieving the list of Plugins
  • The Plugins Editor
  • The Plugins Tab of the Server Properties Window …
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Using Federated Servers in MySQL™ 5.1

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the features implemented in HoneyMonitor for the use and administration of Federated Servers . It could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it or to whom want to learn the basis of Federated Servers in MySQL™ 5.1

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at



  • Introduction
  • Federated Server Metadata
  • Retrieving the list of Federated Servers
  • The Federated Server …
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[HoneyMonitor Tutorial] Brief Introduction to the Server Objects List

[HoneyMonitor is a GUI for MySQL™. Server Administration, Database and Database Objects Administration, Code Development, Server Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Performance Auditing. Read more on]

This is a short tutorial on the Server Objects List included in HoneyMonitor. I am writing it because I will reference it in some posts I am going to write in the next weeks. Furthermore, it could be useful for Users who are new to the product and want to get start with it.

More details on the HoneyMonitor Reference Manual at



  • Introduction
  • Connections Tree
  • Metadata Catalog
  • Using the Server Objects List
  • Other …
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Pentaho changes

I’m back at my favorite spot at the Orlando airport:

This week has gone bye so fast it’s kinda scary.  I got dragged into one meeting after another design session after another knowledge transfer opportunity for 5 days in a row.  After our long working days, the discussions and talks just continued over dinner and beers.

It was great to meet everyone and as always we had a good time around the office and at the Ale House.  I even managed to stay sober this time around.  Well at least most of the time.

As always, the thing that struck me the most was how fast Pentaho changes.  It’s almost like visiting a different company every time I drop in.  Since I don’t see the day-to-day changes around the office, the difference between the first time I visited (15 people) and now (70+) is striking.  The office space occupied more than doubled for example.

Well, let me tell you, …

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Discovering FALCON Metadata in MySQL® v. 6.0.5-alpha

MySQL® 6.0.5-alpha, the latest version of the 6.x branch of the Database Server, is available for download from the SUN|MySQL Web Site.

Metadata (data about the data) are very important, especially for software developers. In this article we will see what’s new in FALCON metadata handling doing some comparison with the old 6.0.4-alpha version.

New tables in the `information_schema` database
As you know, the source for metadata is the database `information_schema`. To start, let’s see which tables related with FALCON metadata are included in that database:

| VERSION()                             |

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Describing outer joins in metadata

Dear Metadata fans,

It’s been a while that I blogged about Pentaho Metadata. This is undeservedly so because the last couple of months, a lot of things have been moving. Most of that is not really visible to the end-user. The GUI part of the metadata suite was attacked last year and doesn’t really need all that much work. What we have been doing is extending the underlaying architecture by making it more flexible, more robust and easier to program from an API viewpoint. Most of that work has been in the capable hands of Pentaho rock star Will Gorman. The work he did last year for example was building in support for libformula (Open Office formula) by Pentaho reporting wizard Thomas Morgner.

Lately, Will and I started on …

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Pentaho reference case

Thought I’d mention that a new case study featuring Pentaho and Kettle showed up over at the Database Trends and Applications. The name of the paper is called “Loma Linda University Health Care Deploys Pentaho BI” (PDF).

To quote :

With commercial products you don’t know if you are getting what you want, but with open source you can create proofs-of-concept. And the TCO is so much lower.

Until next time!


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