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Displaying posts with tag: Windows 10 (reset)

It was interesting to note that the MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide doesn’t have any instructions for connecting to the MySQL database from Microsoft Powershell. I thought it would be helpful to write a couple demonstrations scripts, especially when a quick search didn’t find a set of easy to follow samples.

The connection process to MySQL with Powershell is easiest with a non-query, so I created a db_connect table into which I could write a row of data:

CREATE TABLE db_connect
, version        VARCHAR(10)
, user           VARCHAR(24)
, db_name        VARCHAR(10));

The following insert.ps1 PowerShell script connects to the MySQL database, and inserts one row into the db_connect table:

# Connect to the libaray …
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After downloading and installing MySQL 8.0.24 yesterday, I opened a command shell. In the command shell, I could access the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh.exe) but not the MySQL Client (mysql.exe). Typing in the following:


It returned:

'mysql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The MySQL Client (mysql.exe) was installed because MySQL Workbench relies on it. However, the MySQL Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) does not put the mysql.exe file’s directory in the common Windows %PATH% environment variable. You can find the required %PATH% directory variable by opening the File Manager and searching for the mysql.exe file.

You should return several directories and programs but the directory you want is:

C:\Program …
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MySQL Transaction Scope

The idea of ACID transactions are a basic feature of SQL’s individual Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands, like the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Transactions across two or more tables are a natural extension of ACID compliance features provided by DML commands. However, they require a structured programming approach, like a store procedure or like API implemented in an imperative language.

Surprisingly, transaction management wasn’t covered well in Alan Beaulieu’s Learning SQL because he only provided pseudo code logic. While I thought troubleshoot some broken MySQL SQL/PSM logic would be a good learning experience for students, it wasn’t. So, I wrote this sample code to show how to achieve an all or nothing transaction across four tables.

The code for this example on transaction management lets you perform the important tasks necessary to effect transaction …

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MySQL sakila Database

While I thought my instructions were clear, it appears there should have been more in my examples for using the MySQL MSI. A key thing that happened is that students opted not to install:

Samples and Examples 8.0.22

Unfortunately, they may not have read the Preface of Alan Beaulieu’s Learning SQL, 3rd Edition where he explains how to manually download the files from the MySQL web site. Here are those, very clear, instructions (pg. XV) with my additions in italics for the MySQL Shell:

First, you will need to launch the mysql command-line client or the mysqlsh command-line shell, and provide a password, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Go to and download the files for the …
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MySQL Client in 8.0.21+

Having recently installed a fresh copy of MySQL 8.0.21 on Windows, I took careful note of parsing changes in the MySQL Shell. It was tedious that we lost multiple statement processing, which is supported in the MySQL Client and MySQL Workbench because it uses MySQL Client.

It was frustrating when I subsequently discovered that the MySQL Shell took away the ability to write log files by removing the TEE and NOTEE commands. I suspected that since MySQL Workbench was still using the MySQL Client that it should be in the code tree. In fact, the mysql.exe client is in this directory:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin

So, I immediately created a batch file to put the MySQL Client into my %PATH% environment variable when needed. I used this time tested DOS command: …

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MySQL Shell Parsing

I’ve been experimenting with the mysqlsh since installing it last week. It’s been interesting. Overall, I’m totally impressed but I did find a problem with how it parses stored procedures.

First thought is always, is it my code? I checked the file by running it as a script file through MySQL Workbench. It ran perfectly in MySQL Workbench but failed repeatedly when run from the mysqlsh utility. Next step, reduce the code to a small test case, retest it, and log a bug if it is replicated. My test case in a test.sql file generates the following errors when run from the mysqlsh utility:

 MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  studentdb  SQL > source test.sql
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0003 sec)
ERROR: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the …
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MySQL Provisioning

I’ve been using MySQL 8 on Linux for a couple years but the Linux repository version didn’t install the new MySQL Shell. So, I discovered the new MySQL Shell when I installed MySQL 8 (8.0.21) on Windows to teach my student how to use it to learn SQL commands. I encourage you to read the full MySQL Shell document.

The following is a tutorial to provision a student user and studentdb database in MySQL. It uses the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh) and stages for uploads of comma-separated values files.

After installing MySQL on the Windows 10 OS, open the Window OS Command Line Interface (CLI) shell by entering the following in the search field at the bottom left:


It launches a CLI interface to the Windows OS. The cmd (command) utility opens the CLI in the following …

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MySQL Configuration

I’ve been using MySQL 8 on Linux for a couple years but the Linux repository version didn’t install the new MySQL Shell. So, I discovered the new MySQL Shell when I installed MySQL 8 (8.0.21) on Windows to teach my student how to use it to learn SQL commands. I encourage you to read the full MySQL Shell document.

The following is a tutorial to provision a student user and studentdb database in MySQL. It uses the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh) and stages for uploads of comma-separated values files.

After installing MySQL on the Windows 10 OS, open the Window OS Command Line Interface (CLI) shell by entering the following in the search field at the bottom left:


It launches a CLI interface to the Windows OS. The cmd (command) utility opens the CLI in the following …

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MySQL File Privilege

While preparing a set of student instructions to create a MySQL 8 (8.0.21) Windows 10 instance I found an error with LOAD command and the --secure-file_priv variable set in the my.ini file. After granting the global FILE permission to the previously provisioned student user:

GRANT FILE ON *.* TO 'student'@'localhost';

Any attempt to run the following command failed:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Uploads\avenger.csv'
INTO TABLE avenger

and, raise this error message:

ERROR: 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement

The following covers my exploration to try and fix this error without removing a designated directory for secure file uploads. While MySQL 5.7 …

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MySQL 8.0 Install

MySQL will be used for our online sections because the VMware instance and Docker configurations where too large to effectively download this term.

MySQL 8.0.21 Installation Steps

After you download the MySQL 8 MSI file, you will perform the following 24 steps to install MySQL on Windows 10. If you want a full developer install you must install Microsoft Excel and Visual Studio first.

  1. The first thing you need to do is grant privileges to allow the MySQL Installer application to work in Windows 10. Click the Yes button to authorize the MySQL Installer to run.

  1. The next thing you need to do is grant privileges to allow …
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