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Displaying posts with tag: Microsoft Windows 10 (reset)

Installing MySQL Workbench 8 on Windows, we discovered that the default configuration no longer sets ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY as part of the default SQL_MODE parameter value. While I’ve written a stored function to set the SQL_MODE parameter value for a session, some students didn’t understand that such a call is only valid in the scope of a connection to the database server. They felt the function didn’t work because they didn’t understand the difference between connecting to the MySQL CLI and clicking the lightening bolt in MySQL Workbench.

So, here are the instructions to reset the default SQL_MODE parameter value for Windows. You need to edit the setting in the my.ini file, which is in the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0 directory. The default installation will have the following:

# Set the SQL mode to strict

You need to change it to the following in an …

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Node.js MySQL Error

While I blogged about how to setup Node.js and MySQL almost two years ago, it was interesting when a student ran into a problem. The student said they’d configured the environment but were unable to use Node.js to access MySQL.

The error is caused by this import statement:

const mysql = require('mysql') 

The student got the following error, which simply says that they hadn’t installed the Node.js package for MySQL driver.

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'mysql'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:562:25)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
    at Object. (/home/student/Data/cit325/oracle-s/lib/Oracle12cPLSQLCode/Introduction/query.js:4:15)
    at Module._compile …
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MySQL Partitioned Tables

MySQL Partitioned Tables

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn about List Partitioning.
  • Learn about Range Partitioning.
  • Learn about Columns Partitioning.
  • Learn about Hash Partitioning.
  • Learn about Key Partitioning.
  • Learn about Subpartitioning.

Lesson Material

MySQL supports partitioning of tables. It supports range, list, hash, and key partitioning. Range partitioning lets you partition based on column values that fall within given ranges. List partitioning lets you partition based on columns matching one of a set of discrete values. Hash partitioning lets you partition based on the return value from a user-defined expression (the result from a stored SQL/PSM function). Key partitioning performs like hash partitioning, but it lets a user select one or more columns from the …

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MySQL Windows DSN

Almost a Ripley’s Believe It or Not. An prior data science student told me that his new IT department setup a Windows component that let him connect his Excel Spreadsheets to their production MySQL database without a password. Intrigued, I asked if it was a MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration, or DSN (Data Source Name)?

He wasn’t sure, so I asked him to connect to PowerShell and run the following command:


It returned something like this (substituting output from one of my test systems):


Name                           Property
----                           --------
MySQL                          Driver      : C:\Program Files\MySQL\Connector ODBC 8.0\myodbc8w.dll
                               DESCRIPTION : MySQL ODBC Connector
                               SERVER      : …
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MySQL CSV Output

Saturday, I posted how to use Microsoft ODBC DSN to connect to MySQL. Somebody didn’t like the fact that the PowerShell program failed to write a *.csv file to disk because the program used the Write-Host command to write to the content of the query to the console.

I thought that approach was a better as an example. However, it appears that it wasn’t because not everybody knows simple redirection. The original program can transfer the console output to a file, like:

powershell .\MySQLODBC.ps1 > output.csv

So, the first thing you need to do is add a parameter list, like:

param (

Anyway, it’s trivial to demonstrate how to modify the PowerShell program to write to a disk. You should also create a virtual PowerShell drive before writing the file. That’s because you can change the physical directory anytime you want with minimal changes to rest of …

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This post explains and demonstrates how to install, configure, and use the MySQL’s ODBC libraries and a DSN (Data Source Name) to connect your Microsoft PowerShell programs to a locally or remotely installed MySQL database. After you’ve installed the MySQL ODBC library, use Windows search field to find the ODBC Data Sources dialog and run it as administrator.

There are four steps to setup, test, and save your ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) for MySQL. You can click on the images on the right to launch them in a more readable format or simply read the instructions.

MySQL ODBC Setup Steps

  1. Click the SystemDSN tab to see he view which is …
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MySQL Connect Dialog

About a month ago, I published how you can connect to MySQL with a small form. One suggestion, or lets promote it to a request, from that post was: “Nice, but how do you create a reusable library for the MySQL Connection Dialog box?”

That was a good question but I couldn’t get back until now to write a new blog post. This reusable MySQL connection dialog lets you remove MySQL connection data from the command-line history. This post also shows you how to create and test a Powershell Module.

The first step to create a module requires that you set the proper %PSModulePath% environment variable. If you fail to do that, you can put it into a default PowerShell module location but that’s not too effective for testing. You launch the System Properties dialog and click the Environment …

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The first tutorial supplementing the MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide showed you how to connect and run static INSERT statement. It was a barebones PowerShell script with the MySQL Connector. This post shows you how to run a PowerShell script that uses a dynamic form to gather the MySQL credentials and then run a static query. Below is the MySQL Credentials form.

You enter the correct user name, password, hostname (or IP address), port, and database, like this:

Here’s the complete code for this staticQuery.ps1 PowerShell script:

# Add libraries for form components. …
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It was interesting to note that the MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide doesn’t have any instructions for connecting to the MySQL database from Microsoft Powershell. I thought it would be helpful to write a couple demonstrations scripts, especially when a quick search didn’t find a set of easy to follow samples.

The connection process to MySQL with Powershell is easiest with a non-query, so I created a db_connect table into which I could write a row of data:

CREATE TABLE db_connect
, version        VARCHAR(10)
, user           VARCHAR(24)
, db_name        VARCHAR(10));

The following insert.ps1 PowerShell script connects to the MySQL database, and inserts one row into the db_connect table:

# Connect to the libaray …
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