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Displaying posts with tag: format (reset)
Regarding MySQL 5.6 temporary tables format

default_tmp_storage_engine variable was introduced in 5.6.3, allowing the configuration of the default engine for temporary tables. This seems to be in the direction, as I commented before, of making MyISAM an optional engine. In 5.7, a separate tablespace is being created to hold those tables in order to reduce its performance penalty (those tables do not need to be redone if the server crashes, so extra writes are avoided).

However, I have seen many people assuming that because default_tmp_storage_engine has the value “InnoDB”, all temporary tables are created in InnoDB format in 5.6. This is not true: first, because implicit temporary tables are still being created in memory using …

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Which Compression Tool Should I Use for my Database Backups? (Part II: Decompression)

On my post last week, I analysed some of the most common compression tools and formats, and its compression speed and ratio. While that could give us a good idea of the performance of those tools, the analysis would be incomplete without researching the decompression. This is particularly true for database backups as, for those cases where the compression process is performed outside of the production boxes, you may not care too much about compression times. In that case, even if it is relatively slow, it will not affect the performance of your MySQL server (or whatever you are using). The decompression time, however, can be critical, as it may influence in many cases the MTTR of your whole system.

Testing …

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InnoDB Redundant Row Format


This article describes the InnoDB redundant row format. If you are new to InnoDB code base (a new developer starting to work with InnoDB), then this article is for you. I'll explain the row format by making use of a gdb session. An overview of the article is given below:

  • Create a simple table and populate few rows.
  • Access the page that contains the rows inserted.
  • Access a couple of rows and explain its format.
  • Give summary of redundant row format.
  • Useful gdb commands to analyse the InnoDB rows.
  • Look at a GNU Emacs Lisp function to traverse rows in an InnoDB index page.

To get the most out of this article, the reader is expected to repeat the gdb session as described here.

The Schema

Consider the following SQL statements to produce the schema:

CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 int unsigned) row_format=redundant …
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How To Display Just The HTTP Response Code In CLI Curl

Today, I was looking for a quick way to see HTTP response codes of a bunch of urls. Naturally, I turned to the curl command, which I would usually use like this:

curl -IL "URL"

This command would send a HEAD request (-I), follow through all redirects (-L), and display some useful information in the end. Most of the time it's ideal:

curl -IL ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 03:58:55 GMT
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Server: gws
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

However, the server I was curling didn't support HEAD requests explicitly. Additionally, I was really only interested in HTTP status codes and not in the rest of the output. This means I would have to change my strategy and issue GET requests, ignoring HTML output completely.

Curl manual to the rescue. A few …

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The Drizzle (and MySQL) Key tuple format

Here’s something that’s not really documented anywhere (unless you count as a source of server documentation). You may have some idea about the MySQL/Drizzle row buffer format. This is passed around the storage engine interface: in for write_row and update_row and out for the various scan and index read methods.

If you want to see the docs for it that exist in the code, check out store_key_val_for_row in

However, there is another format that is passed to your engine (and that your engine is expected to understand) and for lack of a better name, I’m going to call it the key tuple format. The first place you’ll probably see this is when implementing the index_read function for a Cursor (or handler in MySQL speak).

You get two things: a pointer to the buffer and the length of the buffer. Since a key can be made up of multiple parts, some of which can be NULL and some of which can be of …

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