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Displaying posts with tag: CREATE TABLE (reset)
Understanding the maximum number of columns in a MySQL table

This post was initially going to be two sets of polls: “What is the maximum number of columns in MySQL?” and “What is the minimum maximum number of columns in MySQL?”. Before you read on, ponder those questions and come up with your own answers… and see if you’re right or can prove me wrong!

Back in 2009, I finished what seemed an epic task in the Drizzle code base: banishing the FRM file. Why? We felt it was not a good idea to keep arbitrary and obscure limitations from the 1980s alive in the 21st century and instead wanted a modular system where the storage engines themselves owned their own metadata. This was a radical departure from the MySQL philosophy, and one that has truly paid off in the Drizzle code base. However… for those using MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB or any other of the MySQL branches/forks, you …

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Dumping DDL – mysqldump tables, stored procedures, events, triggers (separately)

If you like to keep your ddl backed up in some source management tool like svn or cvs and want to do it individually for stored procedures, events, triggers, tables and such rather than having a single file you can easily do so using the below. You could even include the –skip-dump-date or –skip-comments and use the below to compare ddl daily checking for alterations thus making sure you are aware of any ddl changes done on the database.

password=`cat ~/.backup_password`
date=`date +%Y%m%d`

mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_triggers_"$date".sql
mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --routines --skip-triggers --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > …

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MySQL’s SQL Deviations and Extensions

Today at Kaleidoscope I will be doing a 90-minute session comparing MySQL’s SQL syntax to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard, entitled What Do You Mean, “SQL Syntax Error”?

You can download the PDF slides now.

For those that may be following along the presentation later today (4 pm Eastern time), here are some links that I may throw out during the session:

  • SQL 2003 standard – actually it is “Information taken from the Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003″ but it’s extremely close to the actual standard. The actual standard is a document that costs a non-trivial amount of money to get, and cannot be republished.
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New CREATE TABLE performance record!

4 min 20 sec

So next time somebody complains about NDB taking a long time in CREATE TABLE, you’re welcome to point them to this :)

  • A single CREATE TABLE statement
  • It had ONE column
  • It was an ENUM column.
  • With 70,000 possible values.
  • It was 605kb of SQL.
  • It ran on Drizzle

This was to test if you could create an ENUM column with greater than 216 possible values (you’re not supposed to be able to) – bug 589031 has been filed.

How does it compare to MySQL? Well… there are other problems (Bug 54194 – ENUM limit of 65535 elements isn’t true filed). Since we don’t have any limitations in Drizzle due to the FRM file …

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How do I find the storage engine of a MySQL table

This seems quite a trivial question, but developers don’t often know what a MySQL storage engine is and how to determine what storage engine is used for a table.

The first choice is to describe the table with the DESC[RIBE] command. Side Note: people often don’t realize that DESC is a short acceptable version here.

mysql> desc stats;
| Field   | Type                | Null | Key | Default           | Extra          |
| stat_id | int(10) unsigned    | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment |
| created | timestamp           | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |                |
| version | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO   |     | NULL              |                |
| referer | varchar(500) …
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TYPE= disappears again (MySQL 5.4.4)

I like the 5.4 developments, overall. It has useful stuff and is being developed and released a reasonable pace. Good progress. While perusing the MySQL 5.4.4 changelog, one particular change drew my attention, since it’s been (re)appearing since 2006. It’s the removal of the TYPE= keyword which was obsoleted since MySQL 4.1 in favour of the ENGINE= syntax in CREATE/ALTER TABLE.

While on the surface it may seem ok to remove the obsolete keyword, there are quite a few apps out there that use it, and that cannot be changed. So these will now be unable to use MySQL 5.4 or beyond. I filed this as a bug in 2006, MySQL bug#17501. If you’re interested in the “history of reappearance”, take a peek at the comments and their timeline. I just put in a new comment to note the 5.4.4 change. …

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Good Practice / Bad Practice: CREATE TABLE and the Storage Engine

When you write your create table statements, always make sure that you make them non-ambiguous. That way even though other servers might have different configurations, you make sure your table will be created in the same way.
Imagine for instance you are developing an application on a development server, nicely storing all the scripts you need to create the same database on your production server. If the same script creates a table differently on both servers, that might cause you a lot of headache later on. At Open Query, we strive to minimise (or preferrably eliminate) headaches.

One of the parts of the create table statement that has the largest impact is the storage engine specification. When you omit the storage engine from the create table statement, your table is automatically created with the default storage engine type configured for the server. Since the storage engine is a very important choice when designing your tables, …

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