This post was initially going to be two sets
of polls: “What is the maximum number of columns in MySQL?” and
“What is the minimum maximum number of columns in MySQL?”. Before
you read on, ponder those questions and come up with your own
answers… and see if you’re right or can prove me wrong!
Back in 2009, I finished what seemed an epic task in the Drizzle
code base: banishing the FRM file. Why? We felt it was not a good
idea to keep arbitrary and obscure limitations from the 1980s
alive in the 21st century and instead wanted a modular system
where the storage engines themselves owned their own
metadata. This was a radical departure from the MySQL
philosophy, and one that has truly paid off in the Drizzle code
base. However… for those using MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB or
any other of the MySQL branches/forks, you …
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