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Displaying posts with tag: osdc (reset)
Speaking in May 2017

It was a big April if you’re in the MySQL ecosystem, so am looking forward to other events that have different focus and a different base, so to speak. See you at:

  • rootconf – May 11-12 2017 – Bangalore, India. My first Rootconf was last year, and it was a great event; I look forward to going there again this year, to talk about capacity planning for your databases. If you register with this link you get a 10% discount.
  • Open Source Data Center Conference – May 16-18 2017 – Berlin, Germany. I’ve enjoyed my trips to OSDC in the last few years, and they’re on their last tickets now …
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Speaking in April 2016

I have a few speaking engagements coming up in April 2016, and I hope to see you at some of these events. I’m always available to talk shop (opensource, MariaDB Server, MySQL, etc.) so looking forward to saying hi.

  • A short talk at the MariaDB Berlin Meetup on April 12 2016 – this should be fun if you’re in Berlin as you’ll see many people from the MariaDB Server and MariaDB MaxScale world talk about what they’re doing for the next releases.
  • – April 14-15 2016, tutorial day on 16 – I’ve not been to India since about 2011, so I’m looking forward to this trip to Bangalore (and my first time to a HasGeek event). Getting the email from the conference chair was very nice, and I believe I’m giving a keynote and a tutorial.
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Stewart is speaking at OSDC 2013 in Auckland!

I’ll be speaking at the upcoming Open Source Developers Conference (OSDC 2013) in Auckland, New Zealand! It’s on October 21st-23rd and you should go here right now and register. I’m giving two talks at OSDC this year:

  • MySQL in the cloud, As A Service (Monday 21st, 12:00pm)
    There is no one magic solution to having MySQL As A Service work well, it’s a lot of small moving parts and options that need to be set, monitored and configured. We may wish it was different, or look at other database technologies, but there is a lot of legacy code that talks to MySQL, with all it’s idiosyncrasies – and we need to be able to …
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SQL Locking and Transactions – OSDC 2011 video

This recent session at OSDC 2011 Canberra is based on part of an Open Query training day, and (due to time constraints) without much of the usual interactivity, exercises and further MySQL specific detail. People liked it anyway, which is nice! The info as presented is not MySQL specific, it provides general insight in how databases implement concurrency and what trade-offs they make.

See for the talk abstract.

Wishing I could be at ODTUG

Ronald asked me if I could present at ODTUG’s Kaleidoscope conference, which is only a couple hours from me, but I’ll be at the Netways OSDC that week. Matt Yonkovit will be there representing Percona. I wish I could go: I would really like to mingle with more Oracle users and developers, and I think that participation is the key to building relationships between MySQL and Oracle users — two groups of people who are going to be overlapping more in the future. If you can attend, I hope you will — and blog about it so I can read.

Related posts:

  1. OpenSQL Camp events in 2009 There are
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OSDC 2009 – call for papers reminder

The call for papers for OSDC 2009 is open until 30 June 2009; yes that’s only a few more days. Submit your abstract and do a talk at this fab conference!

This is a grassroots style conference designed by developers for developers.  It covers Perl, Python, Ruby/Rails, PHP, Java/Grails and Open Source operating systems as well as some business aspects.  If you’d like to cover something else as well that is Open Source themed, please feel free.

The Call for Papers can be found at:
The important dates are:

  • Call for Papers Closes      30 June, 2009
  • Proposal acceptance         20 July, 2009
  • Accepted paper submissions  14 September, 2009
  • OSDC 2009 Main …
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Call for Papers: Open Source Developers’ Conference 2009 - Brisbane

This year the fabulous OSDC conference is 25-27 November 2009 and returning to Brisbane (Bardon Centre, Mt.Cootha which is a great venue tucked into a rainforest setting). Stephen Thorne leads the organisation team for this event.

The call for papers is now open, until June 30th. For full details, see OSDC 2009 call for papers.

We’ll definitely be there, particularly since it’s very close to Arjen’s house. And perhaps we’ll get some talks accepted on MySQL and other topics. We’ll definitely be submitting some proposals!


The organizers of OSDC::Israel::2009 have asked me to help them find sponsors for their event.

The Open Source Developers' Conference in Israel, 2009 is planned to be a low-cost three-day muliple track conference held somewhere in Israel. The conference will be held in the beginning of 2009. Exact dates and location will be announced later on our mailing lists.

The conference theme is Open Source Tools with an emphasis on Test Automation and Quality Assurance. The talks presented at the conference will be about practical uses of Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby and some other languages and technologies.

I am particularly intrigued by the idea of the …

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OSDC update: 2007 program committee deliberations

Andrae and his gang will take some time, with over 100 submissions to consider, but the CfP is now definitely closed and the program committee is busy doing its thing. If you missed out on making a submission, you can of course still try to beg Andrae, but don't push your luck as things do need to move along...

Browsing through the list of proposals, I'm very pleased with the number we received, and also impressed with the quality of the speakers and diverse range of topics. Most are from within Australia, but there are also entries from around the Asia-Pacific, and even as far as Austria and the USA. This should make for a fine program.

Open Source Developers' Conference 2007 - Brisbane - Call for Papers

OSDC is a grass-roots conference providing Open Source developers with an opportunity to meet, share, learn, and of course show-off. OSDC focuses on Open Source developers building solutions directly for customers and other end users, anything goes as long as the code or the development platform is Open Source. Last year's conference attracted over 180 people, 60 talks, and 6 tutorials. Entry for delegates is kept easy by maintaining a low registration fee (approx $300), which always includes the conference dinner.

This year OSDC will be held in Brisbane from the 26th to the 29th of November, with an extra dedicated stream for presentations on Open Source business development, case studies, software process, and project management. The theme for this year's conference is "Success in Development & Business". If you are an Open Source maintainer, developer or user we would encourage you to submit a talk proposal on the open-source tools, …

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