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Displaying posts with tag: osdc2007 (reset)
OSDC update: 2007 program committee deliberations

Andrae and his gang will take some time, with over 100 submissions to consider, but the CfP is now definitely closed and the program committee is busy doing its thing. If you missed out on making a submission, you can of course still try to beg Andrae, but don't push your luck as things do need to move along...

Browsing through the list of proposals, I'm very pleased with the number we received, and also impressed with the quality of the speakers and diverse range of topics. Most are from within Australia, but there are also entries from around the Asia-Pacific, and even as far as Austria and the USA. This should make for a fine program.

Open Source Developers' Conference 2007 - Brisbane - Call for Papers

OSDC is a grass-roots conference providing Open Source developers with an opportunity to meet, share, learn, and of course show-off. OSDC focuses on Open Source developers building solutions directly for customers and other end users, anything goes as long as the code or the development platform is Open Source. Last year's conference attracted over 180 people, 60 talks, and 6 tutorials. Entry for delegates is kept easy by maintaining a low registration fee (approx $300), which always includes the conference dinner.

This year OSDC will be held in Brisbane from the 26th to the 29th of November, with an extra dedicated stream for presentations on Open Source business development, case studies, software process, and project management. The theme for this year's conference is "Success in Development & Business". If you are an Open Source maintainer, developer or user we would encourage you to submit a talk proposal on the open-source …

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