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Displaying posts with tag: performance_schema (reset)
MySQL sys version 1.1.0 released

I’ve just released the 1.1.0 version of the MySQL sys schema.

This release is hugely pleasing to me, in that I actually didn’t have to do too much work on it myself! There were a significant number of contributions from Jesper Wisborg Krogh and Arnaud Adant, both MySQL Support Engineers (at the time at least, Arnaud has moved on to pastures new now), as well as again from Joe Grasse.

Thank you all for your contributions!

Here’s a summary of the changes:


  • Added host summary views, which have the same structure as the user summary views, but aggregated by host instead (Contributed by Arnaud Adant)
    • host_summary
    • host_summary_by_file_io_type
    • host_summary_by_file_io
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The Road to MySQL 5.6 -- A DBA Perspective

We've all heard the hype.  MySQL 5.6 is packed with amazing new features that address all our database problems.  5.6 deals with replication and HA and performance and monitoring and security and features.  It just may cure cancer.

In fact it's been out for ages.  It went GA  …

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MariaDB 10.0 upgrade goes smoothly

I have been meaning to update some systems to MariaDB 10.0 and finally had a bit of time to get around to that.  The documentation of specifics of what’s needed to go from MariaDB 5.5 to 10.0 can be found here and while it’s not very long it seems there’s little to actually do. Having already … Continue reading MariaDB 10.0 upgrade goes smoothly

PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA disabled in MariaDB 10.0.12

Astute readers of the release notes for MariaDB 10.0.12 will notice that there is a line that reads: performance_schema is now disabled by default.

We didn’t come to this decision by accident. Recently at the SkySQL company meeting in Budapest, we did have some time to break out into our usual working teams to talk about our daily operations. Team MariaDB had a debate about PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA and how it was left on by mistake in 10.0 GA as there was a decision to turn it off. Personally, I don’t like introducing such changes in a GA release, and there was no archive of such a discussion, so the next best thing to do was to ask the MariaDB developers and users via a post to both maria-developers and …

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MySQL sys version 1.0.1 released

I’ve just released the 1.0.1 version of the MySQL sys schema. It contains a few bug fixes (including a contribution from Joe Grasse, thanks Joe!), and a number of new helper procedures around viewing and altering configuration for consumers and instruments, contributed by the MySQL QA team, as they’ve started to incorporate more Performance Schema trace data in to their automated testing.

Next up is the 1.1.0 release, that also includes a bunch of new host summary views that were contributed by Arnaud Adant (of the MySQL Support team). I have a number of new things in development to add as well before then though.

Let me know if there are things you’d like to see as well, maybe I can find time to work on those too.


Performance_schema success stories : host summary tables

This question was asked at support by a customer to solve a difficult issue.

How to identify a sporadic burst of queries coming from one of the hosts accessing the database ?

If there are hundreds of hosts, it can be challenging, especially if the queries are fast. No chance for them to get logged in the famous slow query log !

Here is the solution using the performance_schema in MySQL 5.6 :

SUM(essbben.count_star) AS total_statements,
format_time(SUM(essbben.sum_timer_wait)) AS total_latency,
format_time(SUM(essbben.sum_timer_wait) / SUM(count_star))
AS avg_latency
performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name essbben
SUM(sum_timer_wait) DESC;

Here is the result :

| host          | total_statements | total_latency | avg_latency | …
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A couple of weeks ago, shortly after Vadim wrote about Percona Cloud Tools and using Slow Query Log to capture the data, Mark Leith asked why don’t we just use Performance Schema instead? This is an interesting question and I think it deserves its own blog post to talk about.

First, I would say main reason for using Slow Query Log is compatibility. Basic Slow query log with microsecond query time precision is available starting in MySQL 5.1, while events_statements_summary_by_digest table was only added in MySQL 5.6 which was out for …

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MySQL 5.6 GA one year – What is next?

MySQL 5.6 has been GA for just over a year now. See MySQL 5.6.10 Release Notes.  Congratulations on your birthday! That is quite a long time. I was using it earlier in production because it worked and could do things that 5.5 could not do, but earlier versions were to use at your own risk, and indeed if prodded incorrectly would fall on the floor. That is fair enough because they were work in progress, yet if you poked them the right way they did a very good job.  Those dev versions have been long since upgraded which is good so they do not need quite as much care and attention.

So from where I see 5.6 it works very well. One big change that has made a large difference but which I think a lot of people may not really understand or use is the …

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Exploring MySQL Metadata Lock Instrumentation in Closer Detail

I recently wrote a post on tracking metadata locks (MDL) in MySQL 5.7, and I wanted to take a moment to expand on it by explaining a couple of the associated variables in more detail.

First off, once you have enabled the performance_schema *and* the metadata lock instrumentation, you can verify it with:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments
    -> WHERE NAME = 'wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl';
| NAME                       | ENABLED | TIMED |
| wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl | YES     | YES   |

“ENABLED” will report “YES” if it is enabled properly, and “NO” if not.

“TIMED” (referring to event timing) reports “YES” if it was enabled via the my.cnf or my.ini file, and it reports …

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Tracking Metadata Locks (MDL) in MariaDB 10.0

I recently blogged about tracking metadata locks in the latest MySQL, and now I want to discuss how to track these metadata locks in MariaDB.

In MySQL 5.7, there is a table named `metadata_locks` added to the performance_schema (performance_schema must be enabled *and* the metadata_locks instrument must be specifically enabled as well.

In the MariaDB 10.0 implementation (as of 10.0.7), there is a table named METADATA_LOCK_INFO added to the *information_schema*. This is a new plugin, so the plugin must be installed, but that is very simple with:

INSTALL SONAME 'metadata_lock_info';

Then, you will have the table.

To see it in action:

Connection #1:

mysql> create table t (id int) engine=myisam;
mysql> begin;
mysql> select * from t;

Connection #2:

mysql> alter table t add index …
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