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Displaying posts with tag: performance_schema (reset)
Tracking Metadata Locks (MDL) in MySQL 5.7

I’ve blogged about metadata locks (MDL) in the past (1 2 3) and in particular discussed how best to track them down and troubleshoot threads stuck waiting on metadata locks.

If you’ve had any experience with these, you’ll know finding them isn’t always the most straight-forward task.

So I was glad to see metadata lock instrumentation added to MySQL 5.7.3 as part of performance_schema, which makes tracking these down a breeze! (Note this is only in 5.7.3 currently, and therefore is some time from being GA as of today)!

To use these, performance_schema must be enabled (i.e., performance_schema=1 in your config file).

But, also, the metadata_locks instrument is disabled by default, so even if you enable the …

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SF MySQL Meetup Presentation: Changes in MySQL 5.7

Last Wednesday, I spoke at the San Francisco MySQL Meetup on the topic of changes coming in MySQL 5.7 (and later).  We actually went through two different slide decks; the first on features being considered for deprecation in MySQL 5.7 (or later), and the second set providing a brief overview of the new features and benefits already introduced in MySQL 5.7 via the development milestone releases (DMRs) published to date.  A big thanks to the entire SF Meetup group, and in particular the organizers (Erin, Mike and Darren), for having me.  The event was streamed and recorded, and you can view the full presentation on YouTube.  The slide deck can be found here.

The discussion around proposed deprecation was good, and this blog serves to document my own notes about what …

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What SQL is running in MySQL

Using the MySQL 5.6 Performance Schema it is very easy to see what is actually running on your MySQL instance. No more sampling or installing software or worrying about disk I/O performance with techniques like SHOW PROCESSLIST, enabling the general query log or sniffing the TCP/IP stack.

The following SQL is used to give me a quick 60 second view on a running MySQL system of ALL statements executed.

use performance_schema;
update setup_consumers set enabled='YES' where name IN ('events_statements_history','events_statements_current','statements_digest');
truncate table events_statements_current; truncate table events_statements_history; truncate table events_statements_summary_by_digest;
do sleep(60);
select now(),(count_star/(select sum(count_star) FROM events_statements_summary_by_digest) * 100) as pct, count_star, left(digest_text,150) as stmt, digest from events_statements_summary_by_digest order by 2 desc;
update setup_consumers set …
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The second MySQL seminar: a summary

Once again, Geir Høydalsvik and I had the pleasure of hosting a MySQL mini-seminar in Trondheim. 25+ attendants from at least 7 different companies and a few professors from the computer science dept. at NTNU showed up on yesterdays event. I recognized many of these from the first seminar but there were some new faces as well.

This time, Mark Leith came on a visit from the UK. He gave an introduction to Performance Schema and ps_helper. ps_helper is a really nice tool to make sense of the overwhelming amount of data collected by PS. He also gave a very convincing demo of MySQL Enterprise Monitor (MEM). More than a few attendants now plan to give MEM a try in their environment. You can too - there's a 30 day trial, which should be more than enough to decide if you need it …

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New MySQL 5.6-Feature host_cache_size does not work

Today as i was learning for the new MySQL 5.6-certification (more about that in a later post) i stumbled again across the host_cache-Table that was added to MySQL in 5.6.5. Before that you had no chance to check which hosts are already known by the MySQL-server.

So thats a pretty good feature for us. And even better: you could resize the size of the host_cache now! Whoohoo, awesome! As we have a lot of servers that need to connect to one of our MySQL-server and we could not switch to ip-based-authentication we were really happy to tune the host_cache-size without recompiling MySQL.

Unfortunately i noticed that the performance_schema.host_cache table only holds 128 rows and that the content was changing everytime i checked. So i logged in to a server that wasn’t already in the host_cache-table, made a connection attempt to the mysql server  and checked again the host_cache-table:

The server was now in the …

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MySQL Connect and Oracle Open World Presentations Online

After a slight delay (travel and catching up with “real work”), I’ve now uploaded the talks that I gave at MySQL Connect and Oracle Open World.

They are available on my Presentations Page, and inline below for convenience. The “Introduction to MySQL Enterprise Monitor” talk was actually a full demo, but there are some screenshots of MEM 3.0 in there if you’re interested in seeing a high level picture of what it looks like now.

Thanks to all that attended my talks, I got a lot of good questions and feedback!

Performance Schema and ps_helper MySQL Administration and Monitoring

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Understanding max_connect_errors

To only slightly misquote one of the greatest movies of all times:

You keep using that option.  I do not think it means what you think it means.


Perhaps like many users, I had certain assumptions about what max_connect_errors really does – but in looking closely as part of investigating the new PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.HOST_CACHE table in MySQL 5.6, I learned that some very fundamental elements had escaped my notice.  I’m writing this blog post to help others who hold similar misconceptions of what this option does.

Many, if not most, MySQL DBAs are familiar with “host blocked” errors:

C:\mysql-5.5.27-winx64>bin\mysql -utest_mce -P3307 -h192.168.2.8
ERROR 1129 (HY000): Host …
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MySQL 5.6 users – prevent host blocked errors

The much-improved PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA in MySQL 5.6 provides visibility into MySQL’s host cache, including the ability to monitor for impending blocked hosts.  You can do this with the following query:

mysql> SELECT
    ->  ip,
    ->  host,
    ->  host_validated,
    ->  sum_connect_errors
    -> FROM performance_schema.host_cache\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
    host_validated: YES
sum_connect_errors: 3
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

That’s helpful information, and allows DBAs to identify problematic hosts before they are blocked.  Due to Bug#69807, it’s also something MySQL 5.6 users will want to do.  This bug causes the counter maintained in the host …

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Spring Cleaning: Useless protocol commands

In an earlier post, I commented on clients and utility programs which seem to no longer be useful, and opened (or referenced existing) public bug reports to deprecate and remove, where appropriate.  That effort came actually was the product of a different initiative:  I was looking for clients which might leverage the full spectrum of MySQL protocol commands in an effort to understand whether certain protocol commands are in use.  I thought I would share my observations, in the hope that we might also get feedback from others regarding usage of these commands. And even though it’s no longer spring (I started this post in April), I finally found time to finish this post.

The first group to mention are those which are …

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Practical P_S: Fixing gaps in GLOBAL STATUS

Over three years ago, I noticed that there was no STATUS counter for COM_PING commands – something that is useful for ensuring proper configuration of JDBC connection pools.  Mark Leith even provided a patch, but it’s never been incorporated.  With the advances PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA makes in MySQL 5.6, that’s OK – a STATUS counter becomes somewhat redundant:

mysql> SELECT SUM(count_star) as pings
    -> FROM events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name
    -> WHERE event_name = 'statement/com/Ping';
| pings |
|    12 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Not only does PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA provide capabilities which mirror the STATUS counters, it really goes well beyond what’s capable there. A global counter is interesting, but …

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