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Displaying posts with tag: ndb (reset)
MySQL Cluster on POWER8

So, I’ve written previously on MySQL on POWER, and today is a quick bit of news about MySQL Cluster on POWER – specifically MySQL Cluster 7.3.7.

I ran into three main issues in getting some flexAsync benchmark results. One of them was the fact that I wanted to do this in the middle of all the POWER8 machines I usually use moving buildings (hard to run benchmarks when computers are packed up in boxes on a truck).

The next issue was that ndbmtd (the multi-threaded data node) needs memory barriers for the magic message passing stuff between threads. So, that’s pretty easy (about an eight line patch).

The next issue was in the results from flexAsync, it turns out 32bit math is a bad idea with results from my POWER8 box.

My preliminary performance numbers are fairly promising (actually… what is the world record for a single machine and NDB these days? Single data node?). I think there’s a bit more low …

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Webinar Replay & Slides: Performance Tuning of HAProxy for Database Load Balancing

September 11, 2014 By Severalnines


Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in this week’s webinar on ‘Performance Tuning of HAProxy for Database Load Balancing’. And special thanks to our guest speaker, Baptiste Assmann of HAProxy Technologies. 


If you missed the sessions or would like to watch the webinar again & browse through the slides, they are now available online.


Watch the replay of this webinar to learn about what HAProxy can tell you about your application and database instances. And understand the difference between short-lived connections and persistent connections, and how they affect the performance and availability of your applications. 


Watch the replay Performance …

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Putting MySQL Cluster in a container

To get more familiar with docker and to create a test setup for MySQL Cluster I created docker images for the various components of MySQL Cluster (a.k.a. NDB Cluster)

At first I created a Fedora 20 container and ran all components in one container. That worked and is quite easy to setup. But that's not how one is supposed to use docker.

So I created Dockerfile's for all components and one base image.

The base image:

  • contains the MySQL Cluster software
  • has libaio installed
  • has a mysql user and group 
  • serves as a base for the other images

The management node (ndb_mgmd) image:

  • Has ndb_mgmd as entrypoint
  • Has a config.ini for the cluster …
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NDB – Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 2341: ‘Internal program error (failed ndbrequire)

recently while working on MySQL cluster 7.3.5, we came across this error

Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 2341: 'Internal program error (failed ndbrequire)(Internal error, programming error or missing error message, please report a bug). Temporary error, restart node'.

The management nodes would start up but

the data nodes would complete phase 1 & shutdown, some times at phase 2 and some times at phase 5.

The error one would see in the trace file would be as follows:

Status: Temporary error, restart node
Message: Internal program error (failed ndbrequire) (Internal error, programming error or missing error message, please report a bug)
Error: 2341
Error object: NDBCNTR (Line: 2493) 0x00000003
Program: ndbd

How did we resolve it ?

First, few of our data nodes had an incorrect connect-string

Second, we had pre-assigned NodeGroups for the data …

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New Webinar on July 9th: How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy

June 17, 2014 By Severalnines


We continuously see great interest in MySQL load balancing and HAProxy, so we thought it was about time we organised a live webinar on the topic!


As most of your will know, database clusters and load balancing go hand in hand. 


Once your data is distributed and replicated across multiple database nodes, a load balancing mechanism helps distribute database requests, and gives applications a single database endpoint to connect to. 


Instance failures or maintenance operations like node additions/removals, reconfigurations or version upgrades can be masked behind a load balancer. This provides an efficient way of isolating changes in the database layer from the rest of the …

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MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi - Sub-second failover

MySQL Cluster claims to achieve sub-second failover without any data loss for commited transactions. And I always wanted to show this in a demo. Now we created that demo finally. See Mark's blog and Keith's blog for setting up MySQL Cluster on RaspberryPi.
The nice thing about the RPis is that you can easily pull the plug to test failover. Ok, that is only one possible failure scenario but for sure the most obvious and more impressive than "kill -9".

That demo application is constantly using the database for storing new lines, removing old lines and reading all line data for the graphical view. There is no caching. It uses JDBC directly.
To document the setup here is the config.ini file for MySQL Cluster:

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Ghosts of MySQL Past, Part 8: The First Fork.

This is the 8th installment in the rather long series that started with Part 1 about a month ago.

Back in 2006, we were in the situation where MySQL 5.0 had taken forever, and the first “GA” release was not suitable for production. Looking towards MySQL 5.1, it was also unlikely to be out any time soon. The MySQL Cluster team had customers that needed new features in a stable release. The majority of users didn’t use the MySQL server at all, they directly used the C++ NDB API for the vast majority of queries – so the vast majority of release blocker bugs in the MySQL server would not affect the production readiness of MySQL Cluster for these customers.

So, the decision was wisely made to do separate releases from a separate tree for MySQL Cluster. This was named MySQL Cluster: …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster – A Drop-in-place Clustering Solution for MySQL

Emphasis on clustering solutions comes up quite a lot when talking to customers about High Availability. The reason is because clustering is supposed to provide an easier solution for maintaining high availability and so that you do not have to rely on other tools and techniques outside of the database server. I thought it would be good to share the gist of many of my discussions around clustering, in the form of a blog post. So here I will be doing a high-level comparison between MySQL NDB Cluster and Percona XtraDB Cluster.

The post Percona XtraDB Cluster – A Drop-in-place Clustering Solution for MySQL appeared first on ovais.tariq.

High-availability options for MySQL, October 2013 update

The technologies allowing to build highly-available (HA) MySQL solutions are in constant evolution and they cover very different needs and use cases. In order to help people choose the best HA solution for their needs, we decided, Jay Janssen and I, to publish, on a regular basis (hopefully, this is the first), an update on the most common technologies and their state, with a focus on what type of workloads suite them best. We restricted ourselves to the open source solutions that provide automatic failover. Of course, don’t simply look at the number of Positives/Negatives items, they don’t have the same values. Should you pick any of these technologies, heavy testing is mandatory, HA is never beyond scenario that have been tested.

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)

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The MySQL Cluster storage engine

This is one close to my heart. I’ve recently written on other storage engines: Where are they now: MySQL Storage EnginesThe MERGE storage engine: not dead, just resting…. or forgotten and The MEMORY storage engine. Today, it’s the turn of MySQL Cluster.

Like InnoDB, MySQL Cluster started outside of MySQL. Those of you paying attention at home may notice a correlation between storage engines not written exclusively for MySQL and being at all successful.

NDB (for Network DataBase) started inside Ericsson, originally written in a language called …

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