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Displaying posts with tag: vitess (reset)
Announcing Vitess 10

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 10. Major Themes # In this release, Vitess Maintainers have continued to focus on compatibility. It is still the most critical component of Vitess being part of the MySQL ecosystem. We have also started working on benchmarking and performance optimizations. These improvements have given us a clear vision of which areas of Vitess can be improved in terms of performance.

Code generation in Vitess

Cross posting link Golang is a wonderful language. It's simple, and most of the time not confusing or surprising. This makes it easy to jump into library code and start reading and quickly understand what's going on. On the other hand, coming from other languages, there are a few features that would make our lives easier. We are building Vitess using mostly golang, and most of us are happy with this choice.

Online DDL in Vitess

Vitess introduces a new way to run schema migrations: non-blocking, asynchronous, scheduled online DDL. With online DDL Vitess simplifies the schema migration process by taking ownership of the operational overhead, and providing the user a simple, familiar interface: the standard ALTER TABLE statement. Let’s first give some background and explain why schema migrations are such an issue in the databases world, and then dive into implementation details The relational model and the operational overhead # The relational model is one of the longest surviving models in the software world, introduced decades ago and widely used until today.

Announcing Vitess 9

On behalf of the Vitess maintainers team, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 9. Major Themes # In this release, we have focused on making Vitess more stable after the successful release of Version 8. There have been no major issues reported. So there were no patches released for Version 8. This has allowed us to push further on compatibility and adoption of common frameworks as priorities.

Kubecon+CloudNativeCon NA 2020

The Vitess team had a successful presence at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020. This year's event was in a virtual format. It ran from Nov 17-20. We had 2 talks, a project booth and 3 office hours sessions. In addition, we had mentions in 2 major keynote talks. Day 1 # Day 1 was a non-keynote day. It opened relatively quietly for us. We had 25+ attendees at our office hours session hosted by maintainers Alkin Tezuysal, Deepthi Sigireddi and Derek Perkins.

Django with Vitess

Django is a popular framework for Python application developers. It includes packages which make tasks like authorization and content administration easier. Django supports a number of databases including MySQL which makes it possible to run a Django application over Vitess without having to change the application code. Let’s take a look at how to combine the strengths of these two open source frameworks. We built this example using Vitess operator. You can see the details of the implementation in the blog post Vitess Operator for Kubernetes.

Vitess Operator for Kubernetes

Introduction # In this blog, I would like to explore Vitess Operator for Kubernetes. This post demonstrates the sample implementation of Vitess in Kubernetes topology. I also explore common DBA tasks by demonstrating how they are handled in the Vitess ecosystem. Vitess, out of the box, comes with a lot of tools and utilities that one has to either incorporate or develop to manage MySQL topology. Let’s take a look at the capabilities of Vitess in these areas and demonstrate how they are performed under the operator realm.

Streaming Vitess at Bolt

Previously posted on link at Nov 3, 2020. Traditionally, MySQL has been used to power most of the backend services at Bolt. We've designed our schemas in a way that they're sharded into different MySQL clusters. Each MySQL cluster contains a subset of data and consists of one primary and multiple replication nodes. Once data is persisted to the database, we use the Debezium MySQL Connector to capture data change events and send them to Kafka.

Reminder: MySQL User Group NL and Madrid MySQL User Group Meetups presenting Scaling MySQL this week (Monday/Thursday)

This is a quick reminder that this week there are 2 MySQL User Group Meetings (Amsterdam and Madrid) where we will be talking about Scaling MySQL. Guest speaker will be Morgan Tocker from PingCap who will talk about TiDB. More information: MySQL User Group NL  meetup taking place on Monday (presenting: Morgan, Daniël and Simon) … Continue reading Reminder: MySQL User Group NL and Madrid MySQL User Group Meetups presenting Scaling MySQL this week (Monday/Thursday)

The post Reminder: MySQL User Group NL and Madrid MySQL User Group Meetups presenting Scaling MySQL this week (Monday/Thursday)

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2018-11-15: Announcing: Scaling MySQL with TiDB, Vitess and MySQL Cluster at Madrid MySQL Users Group

[ English ] – texto en español abajo We’re pleased to announce the next Madrid MySQL Users Group meetup which will take place on the 15th of November at 19:00.  Sign up details can be found here.  There’ll also be a similar meetup in Amsterdam on the 12th November hosted by a colleague. Details here. … Continue reading 2018-11-15: Announcing: Scaling MySQL with TiDB, Vitess and MySQL Cluster at Madrid MySQL Users Group

The post 2018-11-15: Announcing: Scaling MySQL with TiDB, Vitess and MySQL Cluster at Madrid MySQL Users Group first appeared on Simon J Mudd's …

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