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Displaying posts with tag: examine (reset)
Why write a new planner

Query planning is hard # Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you execute a SQL query? What steps are taken to access your data? In this article, I'll talk about the history of Vitess's V3 query planner, why we created a new query planner, and the development of the new Gen4 query planner. Vitess is a horizontally scalable database solution which means that a single table can be spread out across multiple database instances.

Examining query plans in MySQL and Vitess

Originally posted at Andres's blog. Traditional query optimizing is mostly about two things: first, in which order and from where to access data, and then how to then combine it. You have probably seen the tree shapes execution plans that are produced from query planning. I’ll use an example from the MySQL docs, using FORMAT=TREE which was introduced in MySQL 8.0: mysql>EXPLAINFORMAT=TREE->SELECT*->FROMt1->JOINt2->ON(t1.c1=t2.c1ANDt1.c2<t2.c2)->JOINt3->ON(t2.c1=t3.c1)\G***************************1.row***************************EXPLAIN:->Innerhashjoin(t3.c1=t1.c1)(cost=1.05rows=1)->Tablescanont3(cost=0.35rows=1)->Hash->Filter:(t1.c2<t2.c2)(cost=0.70rows=1)->Innerhashjoin(t2.c1=t1.c1)(cost=0.70rows=1)->Tablescanont2(cost=0.35rows=1)->Hash->Tablescanont1(cost=0.35rows=1)Here we can see that the MySQL optimizer thinks the best plan is to start reading from t1 using a table scan.

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