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This Week in Data with Colin Charles 48: Coinbase Powered by MongoDB and Prometheus Graduates in the CNCF

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

The call for submitting a talk to Percona Live Europe 2018 is closing today, and while there may be a short extension, have you already got your talk submitted? I suggest doing so ASAP!

I’m sure many of you have heard of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, and so on. But how many of you realiize that Coinbase, an application that handles cryptocurrency trades, matching book orders, and more, is powered by MongoDB? With the hype and growth in interest in late 2017, Coinbase has had to scale. They gave an excellent talk at MongoDB World, titled MongoDB & Crypto Mania (the video is worth a watch), and they’ve also written a blog post, …

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On Apache Ignite, Apache Spark and MySQL. Interview with Nikita Ivanov

“Spark and Ignite can complement each other very well. Ignite can provide shared storage for Spark so state can be passed from one Spark application or job to another. Ignite can also be used to provide distributed SQL with indexing that accelerates Spark SQL by up to 1,000x.”–Nikita Ivanov.

I have interviewed Nikita Ivanov,CTO of GridGain.
Main topics of the interview are Apache Ignite, Apache Spark and MySQL, and how well they perform on big data analytics.


Q1. What are the main technical challenges of SaaS development projects?

Nikita Ivanov: SaaS requires that the applications be highly responsive, reliable and web-scale. SaaS development projects face many of the same challenges as …

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Tab Sweep – MySQL ecosystem edition

Tab housekeeping but I also realise that people seem to have missed announcements, developments, etc. that have happened in the last couple of months (and boy have they been exciting). I think we definitely need something like the now-defunct MySQL Newsletter (and no, DB Weekly or NoSQL Weekly just don’t seem to cut it for me!).


During @scale (August 31), Yoshinori Matsunobu mentioned that MyRocks has been deployed in one region for 5% of its production workload at Facebook.

By October 4 at the …

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