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Displaying posts with tag: pt-online-schema-change (reset)
Online Schema Changes on Tables with Foreign Keys in MySQL

pt-online-schema-change is an amazing tool for assisting in table modifications in cases where ONLINE ALTER is not an option. But if you have foreign keys, this could be an interesting and important read for you. Tables with foreign keys are always complicated, and they have to be handled with care. The use case I am […]

Using pt-online-schema-change for Purging Rows and Reclaiming Disk Space in a Single Operation

You probably missed the news, but… PT-1751: Adds –where param to pt-online-schema-change This brings the possibility to perform what I would call an “inverted purge” because you are not actually purging rows from your multi-terabyte table, but rather, you copy the small percentage of rows you want to keep to a new table and then […]

Partial Data Archiving and Schema Change

Starting from Percona Toolkit 3.6.0, pt-online-schema-change supports the option –where, so you can not only alter your table definition live but copy only rows that satisfy certain criteria. It may happen that you may not need to copy all the data when changing table definition. For example, if the table is too big and you […]

Resume Your Failed pt-online-schema-change Job

Starting from Percona Toolkit 3.6.0, you can resume pt-online-schema-change if it was interrupted. This blog describes the prerequisites and usage of the new –resume option. To restart the job, you need to know where it failed. This is why the first option you must use is –history. It instructs pt-online-schema-change to store its progress in […]

Seamless Table Modifications: Leveraging pt-online-schema-change for Online Alterations

Table modifications are a routine task for database administrators. The blog post Using Percona Toolkit to Alter Database Tables Online: A Controlled Approach provides insights into the process of altering tables online in a controlled manner, ensuring uninterrupted access for application users and preventing application downtime. We will focus here on utilizing the powerful “pt-online-schema-change” […]

Don’t Auto pt-online-schema-change for Tables With Foreign Keys

During the early stages of my career, I was captivated by the theories and concepts surrounding foreign keys and how they empowered us to maintain data integrity. However, in practical application, I have found them to be quite challenging to manage. I am sure you’re a champion DBA, but I keep my distance from foreign keys.

With that short story as a background, this post aims to address the dilemma that arises when utilizing the pt-online-schema-change tool on tables that contain foreign keys.

We already know what one of the most used Percona tools pt-online-schema-change is and how pt-online-schema-change handles foreign keys.

When utilizing the pt-online-schema-change tool to alter a table, such as …

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Using Percona Toolkit to Alter Database Tables Online: A Controlled Approach

Table modifications are a common task for database administrators. In this blog, I’ll explain how to alter tables online in a controlled manner that does not disrupt application users or cause application downtime.

One of the tools in Percona Toolkit is pt-online-schema-change, a utility that alters the structure of a table without interfering with the reads or writes. The tool creates an empty copy of the table to alter and modify as desired before copying the rows from the original table into the new one.

When the copying is finished, it removes the original table and replaces it with the new one. Any changes made to data in the original tables during the copy process will be reflected in the new table as the tool creates triggers on …

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Online DDL Tools and Metadata Locks

One thing I commonly hear when working with my clients is “I want to change my DDL strategy in order to avoid locking in my database! The last time I used the same old method I ended up in a metadata lock situation!”

I agree that metadata locks can be painful, but unfortunately, it’s completely unavoidable, and changing from one tool to another won’t help with this. That said, it’s still worth it to examine how metadata locks work and what the impact is for each of the common tools and processes. In doing so we will see that all these tools will require metadata locks, but knowing more about how they work and how the use locking can help us determine the right tool for your specific use case.

Any time you make a change to a table a metadata lock is needed to ensure consistency between the table itself and MySQL’s data dictionary. In order for MySQL to establish this lock it has to wait for any query against the table in …

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Online DDL in Vitess

Vitess introduces a new way to run schema migrations: non-blocking, asynchronous, scheduled online DDL. With online DDL Vitess simplifies the schema migration process by taking ownership of the operational overhead, and providing the user a simple, familiar interface: the standard ALTER TABLE statement. Let’s first give some background and explain why schema migrations are such an issue in the databases world, and then dive into implementation details The relational model and the operational overhead # The relational model is one of the longest surviving models in the software world, introduced decades ago and widely used until today.

Dangerous Edge Case Warning for Percona Toolkit and pt-online-schema-change

Recently I was dealing with an unexpected issue raised by our Support customer, in which data became inconsistent after a schema change was applied.

After some investigation, it turned out that affected tables had a special word in the comments of some columns, which triggered an already known (and fixed) issue with the library of Percona Toolkit.  The problem is that the customer was using an outdated Toolkit version, where pt-online-schema-change was using that buggy parser.

This bug applies only to Percona Toolkit versions up to 3.0.10, so if you have already 3.0.11 or newer installed, you can skip the rest of this post as these are no longer affected.

I am writing this post to warn every user of pt-online-schema-change who has not upgraded the toolkit, as …

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