It’s not radical to claim that one of the most important tasks of
any DBMS query optimizer is to find the best join order for the
tables participating in a query. Is it, e.g., better to read
country or city first in
FROM country JOIN city ON
WHERE city.population > 1000000 AND
employee or department first in
FROM employee JOIN department ON employee.dept_no=department.dept_no
WHERE employee.first_name="John" AND
employee.hire_date BETWEEN "2012-01-01" AND "2012-06-01" AND
If the optimizer gets this wrong, the resulting response time may
be disastrous (or hilarious, depending on your sense of humour).
Simply put (and ignoring some edge cases), the MySQL optimizer
does the following to find the cheapest combination of access
methods and join order for the second query above:
Calculate …
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