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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
Cloud Computing - Executive Seminar

Tomorrow, I'll be attending the Executive Seminar on Cloud Computing at NASDAQ MarketSite (NY). Speakers include Dr. Werner Vogels and Mårten Mickos (ex-CEO of MySQL). Big thanks to Amazon and RightScale who were able to accommmodate my RSVP even when the registration had formally closed.

I hope to be able to catch up with Mårten Mickos during the event. In case I do succeed in catching up, is there any question you want me to ask him? You can email me or post a comment.

It's funny that the event site still shows Mårten's title as "SVP of Sun Microsystems’ Database Group."

FathomDB: Database as a service, in the cloud

A lot of people are into the whole cloud computing scenario these days. However, no one has talked about offering DBA-like services in the cloud, all automated, so that startups don’t have to get their own DBAs.

Enter FathomDB. They are poised to offer databases as a service (maybe they’ll charge per database - so you can in theory run both WordPress and Mediawiki, if you prefix wp_ and mw_ in your table creation, for example). They are using MySQL. They’ve also taken the worry of running a database out - they will backup, they will setup (so you don’t have to issue GRANT commands :P), and they will also monitor your databases for you.

But what really takes the cake? The fact that they will also offer performance advisors. This totally reminds me of the MySQL Enterprise Monitor (aka …

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On Why Auto-Scaling in the Cloud Rocks

In high school, I had a great programmable calculator. I’d program it to solve complicated math and science problems “automatically” for me. Most of my teachers got upset if they found out, but I’ll always remember one especially enlightened teacher who didn’t. He said something to the effect of “Hey, if you managed to write software to solve the equation, you must thoroughly understand the problem. Way to go!”.

George Reese wrote up a blog post over at O’Reilly the other day called On Why I Don’t Like Auto-Scaling in the Cloud. His main argument seems to be that auto-scaling is bad and reflects poor capacity planning. In the comments, he specifically calls SmugMug out, saying we’re “using auto-scaling as a crutch for poor or non-existent capacity planning”.

George is like one of those math teachers who …

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Thoughts on the Cloud

For those of you who have been under a rock for the last several years, there is a buzz-phrase floating around—cloud computing. If you haven’t been paying attention, it is time to wake up.

While I could spend an entire blog post—if not several—on a definition of cloud computing, I will be talking only about cloud computing in the sense of companies moving servers from their building or network operations center to running virtual servers in this computing cloud.

While there are a number of companies providing virtual servers, the most visible is Amazon, with their Amazon Web Services (AWS). I will be talking about AWS in this post as it is the service with which I am most familiar. It seems like every month, AWS rolls out new options and services. Just recently Amazon announced that you can now run on AWS the Windows operating system along with SQL Server.

Amazon also announced a service level …

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S3 storage engine ported to Drizzle

I've ported my AWS S3 storage engine to Drizzle.

The source is at bzr branch lp:~fallenpegasus/drizzle/awss3. Pull it and build it like you would the main Drizzle. The engine is built-in, no need to plugin load it.

Example use:

   CREATE TABLE colors
        CONNECTION='awss3 bucket_name aws_id aws_secret';
   SELECT val FROM colors WHERE nam='BlueViolet';

I will try to keep it tracking the main Drizzle dev tree.

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