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Displaying posts with tag: database (reset)
OpenLampTech issue #57 – Substack Repost

There’s so much great content across the internet. I do my best to share the best I can find each week in the OpenLampTech newsletter. Enjoy this week’s original and curated content. Thank you.

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

This week in OpenLampTech issue #57, I’m sharing curated content on:

  • A curated piece on JSON-Based SQL Injection
  • WordPress backup file best practices
  • Working with APIs in Laravel
  • Using SQL Window functions for percentage calculations
  • A new dev environment …
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OpenLampTech issue #56 – Substack Repost

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I can only hope you enjoy reading the OpenLampTech developer newsletter as much as I do. Once again this week we have a fantastic newsletter for you (and me). Enjoy and please share the publication to help spread the word that OpenLampTech is the media coverage for MySQL, PHP, and the LAMP stack landscapes!

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

In OpenLampTech issue #56, we have curated and original content covering:

  • A fantastic developer Interview
  • 7 …
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CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder union() and unionAll() methods

UNION and UNION ALL set operators return the combined rows from 1 or more SELECT queries. CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder now supports UNION and UNION ALL queries with the $builder->union() and $builder->unionAll() methods respectively. Learn how to create these types of queries in this article.

This article and many to follow, are part of a series of articles I am writing and sharing as I learn new concepts when I learn them. I think of it as a duty in sharing the things I learn as a self-taught developer. We all need to support one another as we continue to learn and grow. #buildinpublic #learninpublic #indiehackers #developer

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech

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Simulate LEAD() Window Function using correlated subquery

In my honest opinion, MS Access is one garbage of a database. More likely, database is too strong of a word. While I won’t be using Access in this article, there is a story there (but I’m not here to have an Access bash party). Continue reading for an example of how you may use a correlated subquery and simulate the LEAD() Window Function.

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

Image by  …

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OpenLampTech issue #54 – Substack Repost

We have another packed issue of OpenLampTech for you this week. And, we have our first sponsor with a smashing deal to help you configure your MySQL servers with ease. Thank you Releem for partnering with OpenLampTech this week!

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

In OpenLampTech issue #54, we have content covering:

  • SQL Wildcards
  • PHP Magic Methods Explained
  • Managing CSS in WordPress block themes
  • WordPress as a Twitter alternative?
  • And much much more

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OpenLampTech issue #53 – Substack Repost

Now that OpenLampTech is one year old, I have a point to prove. That I can consistently provide the MySQL, PHP, and LAMP stack communities with a valuable newsletter publication. Challenge accepted. This week’s issue is full of great content so give it a read!

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

In OpenLampTech issue #53, we have some fantastic content covering:

  • WordPress Hooks, actions, and filters
  • MySQL performance tips
  • SQL TRANSACTION and Isolation Levels
  • Top Linux mistakes and how to avoid them
  • And much more …
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AlmaLinux MySQL Workbench

AlmaLinux doesn’t natively support MySQL Workbench but these notes will help you install it. The great news is that MySQL Workbench works perfectly once you’ve installed all the dependent libraries. It’ll look like the following:

Disclaimer of sorts:

AlmaLinux is an open-source, community-driven project that intends to fill the gap left by the demise of the CentOS stable release. AlmaLinux is a 1:1 binary compatible fork of RHEL® 9 and it is built by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation as a standalone, completely free OS. The AlmaLinux OS Foundation will support future RHEL® releases by updating AlmaLinux. Ongoing development efforts are governed by the members of the community.

You can download MySQL Workbench from the following website:

When you open this page, select the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 / Oracle Linux 9 (x86, 64-bit), RPM Package from the dropdown …

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AlmaLinux MySQL+Perl

A quick primer on Perl programs connecting to the MySQL database. It’s another set of coding examples for the AlmaLinux instance that I’m building for students. This one demonstrates basic Perl programs, connecting to MySQL, returning data sets by reference and position, dynamic queries, and input parameters to dynamic queries.

  1. Naturally, a is a great place to start:
    # Hello World program.
    print "Hello World!\n";

    After setting the permissions to -rwxr-xr-x. with this command:

    chmod 755

    You call it like this from the Command-Line Interface (CLI):


    It prints:

    Hello World!
  2. Next, a program lets us test the Perl::DBI connection to the MySQL database.
    # Import libraries.
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use v5.10;     # for …
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The OpenLampTech Developer Newsletter is One Year Old

The OpenLampTech developer newsletter is one year old! I honestly don’t know where the past year went. Obviously, I had my nose buried in some fantastic content since OpenLampTech publishes mostly curated newsletters.

I tell you though, don’t think it isn’t a challenge adding your own thoughts and commentary to someone else’s great content because it definitely is.

I plan to continue publishing curated content in OpenLampTech but, also cover tech reporting and news-related topics that are within the MySQL, PHP, and LAMP stack ecosystems.

There seems to always be plenty to talk about in these areas so a shortage of topics won’t be the issue (I don’t think).

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when …

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10 Useful mysqladmin Commands for Database Administration

In this blog post, we will show you ten useful mysqladmin commands for database administration. Mysqladmin is a client for ...

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The post 10 Useful mysqladmin Commands for Database Administration appeared first on RoseHosting.

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