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Displaying posts with tag: Events (reset)
ProxySQL Speaking at EsLibre 2020

ProxySQL will be taking part in the upcoming EsLibre, open source event on the 18th & 19th of September. The date also coincides with ‘Software Freedom Day’ which celebrates Free Software, all over the world.

ProxySQL’s Senior Developer, Javier Jaramango Fernandez, will be discussing ‘Introduction to ProxySQL’, focusing on the importance of limiting downtime as much as possible, as well as, the tools ProxySQL offers and how you can use them to improve your infrastructure.

The talk will focus on the introduction of ProxySQL as a project, its characteristics, and the basic topology for its use.
Real-time examples and how to use them will also be discussed, such as:

  • Zero-downtime configuration changes – ProxySQL offers three configuration layers: memory, disk and runtime. Each of these layers can be configured dynamically, with …
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Percona Projects for Google Summer of Code – 2020

We are proud to announce that Percona was selected as a participating organization for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 program, this is our second year as a participating org with the GSoC program.

GSoC is a great program to involve young student developers in open source projects. We participated in the program in 2019 for the first time and we were really happy and satisfied with the results.
Percona Platform Engineering team decided to participate again for the 2020 program and we are glad and really happy to inform you that we were selected and welcome the student to work with our team during the summer of 2020 on their GSoC Project.


We started planning for GSoC around November-December 2019, with the help from our Product Management team, we were able to shortlist a few ideas which we thought were really the right fit for …

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Automate MySQL Partitioning using events and procedures

The purpose of this post if to show how you can automate the creation and pruning of partitioned tables. If you want to read about partitioning I recommend reading our manual.

In short partitioning makes it possible to spread your individual tables across a file system according to the partition rules you specify.

Reasons for partition your tables might be:
- Insert performance, smaller index trees for stable insert throughput.
- Select performance, only read data from selected (aka partitioning pruning) partitions.
- Delete performance, drop partitioning is must quicker than doing range deletes of old data.

Partitioning definitions is part for the CREATE/ALTER table statements, in …

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State of the Dolphin – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Tue 19 May • New York 11:00 a.m. • London 4:00 p.m. • New Delhi 8:30 p.m.


I will talk about the latest improvements in MySQL 8.0.20 and the MySQL Engineering Team’s steady progress with MySQL 8.0. These include solutions like Document Store, InnoDB Cluster, and InnoDB ReplicaSet where MySQL Router and MySQL Shell are playing an important role. All of these Oracle solutions are completely open source.

Why is your talk exciting?

This talk is exciting because we will be looking at all the latest features in MySQL 8.0 Sadly my time will be probably too short to detail them all and cover the open source code contributions we’ve received from users.

Who would benefit the most from your talk?

All MySQL users would benefit, whether newbies or veterans. You would be …

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Percona Live Europe Presents: Test Like a Boss

My first talk is a tutorial Testing like a boss: Deploy and Test Complex Topologies With a Single Command, scheduled at Percona Live Europe in Amsterdam on September 30th at 13:30.

My second talk is Amazing sandboxes with dbdeployer scheduled on October 1st at 11:00. It is the same topic as the tutorial, but covers a narrow set of features, all in the *amazing* category.

The tutorial introduces a challenging topic, because when people hear testing, they imagine a troop of monkeys fiddling with a keyboard and a mouse, endlessly repeating a boring task. What I want to show is that testing is a creative activity and, with the right tools and mindset, it could be exciting and rewarding. During my work as a quality assurance engineer, I have always seen a boring task as an opportunity to automate. …

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Are your Database Backups Good Enough?

In the last few years there have been several examples of major service problems affecting businesses data: outages causing data inconsistencies; unavailability or data loss, and worldwide cyberattacks encrypting your files and asking for a ransom.

Database-related incidents are a very common industry issue- even if the root cause is not the database system itself. No matter if your main relational system is MySQL, MariaDB, PostgresQL or AWS Aurora -there will be a time where you will need to make use of backups to recover to a previous state. And when that happens it will be the worst time to realize that your backup system hadn’t been working for months, or testing for the first time a cluster-wide recovery.

Forget about the backups, it is all about recovery!

Let me be 100% clear: the question is not IF data …

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Meet Galera Cluster at Percona Live Europe 2019 (Amsterdam)

We (Codership, the original and continued developers and experts of Galera Cluster) participated in Austin 2019, and so it would have seemed remiss if we did not also show up at the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference Europe 2019 (that was a mouthful!) happening in Amsterdam September 30 – October 2 2019. We have a booth in the expo hall at the Hilton Amsterdam Schipol Airport, so come drop by and say hello!


While we do not have any talks accepted in the main program, we do have a tutorial that involves using Galera Cluster and MariaDB Server on the first day at 9am by Colin Charles.  View the whole …

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Running Galera Cluster on Microsoft Azure and comparing it to their hosted services (EMEA and USA webinar)

Do you want to run Galera Cluster in the Microsoft cloud? Why not learn to setup a 3-node Galera Cluster using Microsoft Azure Compute Virtual Machines, and run it yourself. In this webinar, we will cover the steps to do this, with a demonstration of how easy it is for you to do.

In addition, we will cover why you may want to run a 3-node (or more) Galera Cluster (active-active multi-master clusters) instead of (or in addition to) using Azure Database for MySQL or MariaDB. We will also cover cost comparisons. 

Join us and learn about storage options, backup & recovery, as well as monitoring & metrics options for the “roll your own Galera Cluster” in Azure.

EMEA webinar 10th of September 1-2 PM CEST (Central European Time)

USA webinar 10th of September 9-10 AM …

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The MySQL High Availability Landscape and where Galera Cluster fits in (USA and EMEA Webinar)

The MySQL Server High Availability landscape provides with a slew of tools to help you ensure that your databases keep humming. Such tools are Galera Cluster, however, it is worth looking at semi-synchronous replication with failover tools, and also the usual leader-follower asynchronous replication. Today more workloads are moving to the cloud, and what failover options do you get with Amazon RDS for MySQL or even Aurora? What about the newfangled group replication and InnoDB Cluster? And let us not forget that Galera Cluster has spawned branches too!

Join Codership, the developers and experts of Galera Cluster,  as we discuss where Galera Cluster fits in and how to get best out of it.

EMEA webinar 9th April 10-11 AM CEST (Central European Time)

USA webinar 9th April …

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Running Galera Cluster effectively on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and comparing it to RDS and Aurora (EMEA and USA webinar)

Do you want to run Galera Cluster in the cloud? Why not learn to setup a 3-node Galera Cluster using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and run it yourself (3-node because this is the minimum preferred size; you can have a 5, 7, or 9 node cluster too — not in the demo though!). In this webinar, we will cover the steps to do this, with a demonstration of how easy it is for you to do. We will also cover how you may want to load balance traffic to your Galera Cluster using a proxy like ProxySQL.

In addition, we will cover why you may want to run a 3-node (or more) Galera Cluster (multi-master synchronous clusters) instead of (or in addition to) using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) MySQL, which has the ability to have asynchronous replication (Read Replicas), and High Availability provided by DRBD (Multi-AZ). We will also cover where Galera Cluster differs from Amazon Aurora RDS for MySQL.

Join us and …

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