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Displaying posts with tag: storage engine (reset)
What is a MySQL storage engine anyway?

"New Shimmer is both a floor wax and a dessert topping!" - Chevy Chase, Saturday Night Live

On a Saturday Night Live comedy skit, a husband is arguing that Shimmer is a dessert topping, while his wife insists that it’s a floor wax. Then the Shimmer spokesman-Chevy Chase-explains that it is both. While this juxtaposition is humorous, in many respects this is what databases have been doing for years. Instead of specializing on one specific task, most mainstream databases provide an acceptable combination of performance and capabilities across all use cases. The pluggable storage engine architecture is now changing this, ushering in an era of on-demand specialization.

MySQL allows you to select the storage engine not just for the application, but for each table used by the application. Let me use an analogy to describe how powerful this is. Consider an automobile that enables you to simply switch from one engine to another. You …

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GPL Licensing and MySQL Storage Engines

The spirit and intent of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the GPL license are right on target. However, we must be careful to ensure that the GPL license is interpreted in a manner fulfills the spirit and intent behind its framing. Richard Stallman and associates set out to draft a license agreement that ensures that free software remains free. They didn’t want to see open source become corrupted with the insertion of proprietary code that would eat away at the freedoms they envisioned.

To protect the eternal purity of the open source software, they created constraints on how proprietary code can interact with the GPL code. Their one weapon in this battle is the automatic and forced expansion of their GPL license to any code that integrates with the base GPLed code. I often refer to this process as acting like a virus. I don’t use this term to infer nefarious intent any more than viral marketing infers nefarious intent. On the …

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Detailed review of Tokutek storage engine

(Note: Review was done as part of our consulting practice, but is totally independent and fully reflects our opinion)

I had a chance to take look TokuDB (the name of the Tokutek storage engine), and run some benchmarks. Tuning of TokuDB is much easier than InnoDB, there only few parameters to change, and actually out-of-box things running pretty well.

There are some rumors circulating that TokuDB is ”.. only an in memory or read-only engine, and that's why inserts are so fast”. This is not actually the case, as TokuDB is a disk-based, read-write transactional storage engine that is based on special “fractal tree indexes”. Fractal Trees are a drop-in-replacement for a B-tree (based on current research in data structures by professors at Stony Brook, Rutgers, and MIT). I can't say exactly how it is improved, because the engine itself is closed source.

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Its a storage engine world, after all…

While Zack covered the storage engine and appliances sessions pretty well, I feel he’s missed out on a few important new engines (or engine related talks):

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How to decrease InnoDB shutdown times

Sometimes a MySQL server running InnoDB takes a long time to shut down. The usual culprit is flushing dirty pages from the buffer pool. These are pages that have been modified in memory, but not on disk.

If you kill the server before it finishes this process, it will just go through the recovery phase on startup, which can be even slower in stock InnoDB than the shutdown process, for a variety of reasons.

One way to decrease the shutdown time is to pre-flush the dirty pages, like this:


  1. mysql> set global innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 0;

Now run the following command:

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XtraDB storage engine release 1.0.3-4 codename Sakura

Today we glad to announce release 1.0.3-4 of our XtraDB storage engine.

Here is a list of enhancements in this release:

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Posterous and FriendFeed talk infrastructure

A couple interesting things coming out of startup land.

For one, Posterous has a little writeup on Building and Scaling a Startup on Rails: 12 Things We Learned the Hard Way. Good things to take away include using Sphinx/Solr for search, but the real important takeaway for the MySQL crowd is Storage engine matters, and you should probably use InnoDB. If you’re writing an application, know your storage engines. There are also bits to tell you how to use query_viewer and New Relic to help you fix database bottlenecks, use memcached later, and more. Its a great read.

Next up, there’s How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data. I hope Bret from FriendFeed writes more on their infrastructure over …

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Log Buffer #137

This is the 137th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Dave Edwards is enjoying a week off, and so as part of my plot to take over the world, I am writing this week’s Log Buffer.

First, the fun stuff: Josh Berkus tells us that the American English Translation of the Manga Guide to Databases is available in Japanese Fairies and Third Normal Form.

Then, the basics:
Giri Mandalika points to an article on Using MySQL with Java Technology. This is a basic article on how to connect, and …

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Sun Tech Days Hyderabad

I had the pleasure of addressing a crowd of over 1,000+ people yesterday, at the Sun Tech Days event in Hyderabad. I think this might as well be the biggest number of attendees at a talk that I’ve given. I spoke on MySQL: The Database for Web 2.0, and the notes for this talk are largely indexed at MySQL for Developers. Its more or less the standard deck for the Tech Days events these days.

The best part? The questions. I had intelligent questions, and they lasted well over twenty minutes, and there was even more chatter afterwards. Twenty minutes might not seem like a lot, but this is Asia, and in some audiences, you’d be hard pressed to get even a single question! MySQL is hot, in India. Really, really, hot.

I’m glad …

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Tokyo Cabinet in MySQL?

I read Tokyo Cabinet: Beyond Key-Value Store today from one of the news sites, and it reminded me of Brian’s hack on Tokyo Cabinet == Tokyo Engine. Looking at TokyoEngine in Brian’s Mercurial repository, there have been no updates in over a year. Is anyone planning on taking up development of this? Tokyo Cabinet looks really interesting, and Brian has already started the enabling of making it a MySQL engine.

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