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Displaying posts with tag: women (reset)
My thoughts on Ada Lovelace Day, A candid conversation with Sheeri Cabral

I had an interesting conversation with Sheeri yesterday. She had pointed out that today was Ada Lovelace Day, a day devoted to highlight and thank the many women in the Information Technology industry for their contributions. She suggested that if I wanted to blog about it she would find that appropriate, given what we’ve achieved here at Pythian.

First, I consider that a huge compliment. And then, a distant second, I told Sheeri – no I don’t think I’ll blog about it, that’s not my thing.

This is the IM conversation that came out of that email exchange when Sheeri and I connected about an hour later. You may or may not find it interesting, but ultimately I thought it was interesting enough to share.

tl;dr: Happy Ada Lovelace Day.

expanded version:

Paul Vallee:
hey sheeri!
Sheeri K. Cabral: …

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International Women’s Day

If you do not know what International Women’s Day is:

Start planning your blog posts for Ada Lovelace day now (March 24th, Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging (videologging, podcasting, comic drawing etc.!) to draw attention to the achievements of women in technology and science.)

To that end, I would like to point out all the women currently in science and tech fields that I admire and think are doing great things. I think it would be great if everyone, male or female, made a list like this:

The women that have taught me science/tech along the way:

High School:
Mary Lou Ciavarra (Physics)
Maria Petretti (Pre-Algebra, and Academic Decathlon)
Reneé Fishman (Biology)
Lisa Acquaire …

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Log Buffer #137

This is the 137th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Dave Edwards is enjoying a week off, and so as part of my plot to take over the world, I am writing this week’s Log Buffer.

First, the fun stuff: Josh Berkus tells us that the American English Translation of the Manga Guide to Databases is available in Japanese Fairies and Third Normal Form.

Then, the basics:
Giri Mandalika points to an article on Using MySQL with Java Technology. This is a basic article on how to connect, and …

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PHP Women Community

I was really wondered today when I came across really interesting initiative of some women in #phpc IRC channel. They are trying to create some place where PHP women will be able to communicate and feel included in the world of PHP. Ligaya Turmelle (DevZone Roving Reporter) is one of the leaders spearheading the formation of She posted an update on their progress her blog recently. She talks about their new website,, their mailing list which can be joined here and their irc channel on, #phpwomen. She said:

It is women encouraging women to be active in the greater PHP World. We may be a small group but we have a big impact and are proud of who and what we are. We don’t wish to be exclusive and stand …

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